
Joint Limiters: Saturation (current PR971 - will be renamed) and Soft Limiter

bmagyar opened this issue · 4 comments

  1. PR: Simple Joint Limiter --> Saturation Joint Limiter --> Done in #971
    • check ros_control implementation for full functionality
    • add also saturation of the effort interface -->
  2. PR: Parse URDF data and use max_acceleration and max_deceleration from <ros2_control> Tag #1472
  3. PR: Integrate joint_limits in ResourceManager
  4. PR: Open PR Proposal for extending URDF with these values
  5. PR: Add Soft Joint Limiter (new PR)

Related to #744

PR: #1472 handles the point 2 of this issue, and there will be another upcoming PR adding the SoftLimits to the HardwareInfo structure

The PR: #1488 adds support for the SoftLimits reading and parsing into the HardwareInfo structure

We now have this #1526 that includes the changes of #971 and also modified in such a way that it fits in with the integration into the ResourceManager to be able to enforce limits directly over there.

The integration into the ResourceManager would look something like this : saikishor#4