
Does not work with sensor on firmware v2.4

vinnnyr opened this issue · 5 comments

Details / logs to come. Just a warning I wanted to post right now to users of the repo that as of the latest commit on ros2 (cdd7786) , to not upgrade until this is resolved, since it is not possible to revert to firmware v2.3 (they disabled the download on the website).

From what I understand, this is due to some deprecated parameters in the new firmware (auto_start_flag and udp_ip).

I am working on a fix, and will try to PR it when I have tested it against the new firmware, however I am not really sure how backwards compatible it will be.

From Ouster, this is the patch that would work for 2.4 on their version of the driver.

@SteveMacenski would you be ok with a PR back here with the content of that diff? The only thing is that pushing for firmware 2.4 compatiblity might break compatible with earlier firmwares

@vinnnyr Are you attempting a fix for this then? I may attempt a fix if we are unable to get v2.3 of the firmware from Ouster. Would love to contribute if that's something that would be helpful here.

@kpsgf7 can you test this fork?

I currently don't have a lidar with v2.4 to test on available to me, hence my hesitation in opening the PR. I should have one available to me shortly

I just tested this with 2 v2.4 lidars. I think that PR should be ready for review now!

This worked for us! Thank you! We really appreciate it.