
My take on the quadruped Spot Micro robot. Its built around an ESP32 cam microcontroller and utilizes a svelte app to control it

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Spot Micro - Leika

A small quadruped robot, inspired by boston dynamic Spot.

Key FeaturesOverviewGetting startedCreditsLicense


Frontend Tests

Embedded app build size

Key Features

  • Live preview - Make changes, See changes
  • Real time data sync
  • Dual joystick controller
  • Dark/Light mode
  • Full screen mode
    • Immersive, distraction free.
  • Self hosted, self included


This repository contains the complete source code for a Spot Micro quadruped robot. Execution of the software takes place on a ESP32 cam, which runs various number of FreeRTos task for seamless robotic operations. By focusing on practicality and simplicity in both hardware and software, it offer an accessible platform for learning, experimentation, and modest real-world applications.


  • ESP32 cam - Brain
  • OV2640 160° - Camera
  • PCA9685 - Servo board
  • 12x 20kg(or higher) servo motors
  • MPU6050 - Inertial measurement unit
  • GY-271 - Magnetometer
  • SZBK07 - 20A DC-DC Buck Converter
  • LM2596 or XL4015 - DC-DC Stepdown Module
  • 2x HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
  • 0.96" SD1306 - OLED diplay
  • ACS712 - Current sensor
  • ADS1115 - 16 bit analog to digital converter
  • Power button w/ led
  • 4x 18650 Li-ion battery in 2P2S configuration
  • Couple of resistors (10K, 47.7k, 33K)
  • 4x Servo extension cables

Connection Diagram

alt text


The robots is 3D printed and is a combination of different Spot Micro designs, with some minor modification on top. The original design is developed by KDY0523.

The 3D prints is assembled with some additional component:

  • 84x M2x8 screws + M2 nuts
  • 92x M3x8 screws + M3 nuts
  • 64x M3x20 screws + M3 nuts
  • 12x 625ZZ ball bearings


The software make use of a range of different libraries to enhance the functionality. Up to date list can be seen in platformio.ini file. The libraries includes:

  • Esp32SvelteKit
  • PsychicHttp
  • ArduinoJson
  • Adafruit SSD1306
  • Adafruit GFX Library
  • Adafruit BusIO
  • Adafruit PWM Servo Driver Library
  • Adafruit ADS1X15
  • Adafruit HMC5883 Unified
  • Adafruit Unified Sensor
  • UrlEncode
  • MPU6050 light
  • SPI


The software utilizes a couple of FreeRTos task

Task Description Priority Core
Idle0 task Burns cpu time to track cpu usage for core 0 0 0
Idle1 task Burns cpu time to track cpu usage for core 1 0 1
Spot service task Handle synchronous services 2 0

Feature flags

To dis-/enable the major feature I use defines. Define them in either featureflags.h or in platformio.ini's build_flags.

Feature Description Default
FT_BATTERY Whether or not to use battery 0
FT_NTP Whether or not to use time server 1
FT_SECURITY Whether or not to use login system 0
FT_MQTT Whether or not to use MQTT 0
FT_SLEEP Whether or not include sleep management 0
FT_UPLOAD_FIRMWARE Whether or not to use OAT 1
FT_DOWNLOAD_FIRMWARE Whether or not to use github for firmware updates 1
FT_ANALYTICS Whether or not to use analytics service 1
TF_MDNS Whether or not to use MDNS 1
TF_DNS_SERVER Whether or not to use DNS server 1
TF_MPU Whether or not to use MPU 1
TF_POWER_BUTTON Whether or not to use power button 1
TF_USS Whether or not to use ultra sonic sensors 1

📲Web application

The web application is a simple Svelte app, which main focus is to calibrate and control the robot.

It is made to be included and hosted by the robot. Therefore there is placed a lot of thought behind the functionality and dependencies.

Development dependencies

For the development dependencies I choose the following

Dependencies Description
SvelteKit SvelteKit is an application framework built on top of Svelte, enhancing it with features like routing, server-side rendering, and static site generation. It streamlines the development process by integrating server-side capabilities with Svelte's client-side benefits. Furthermore it make the development process fast and enjoyable.
Vite Vite is a frontend tool that is used for building fast and optimized web applications. Is serves code local during development and bundles assets for production
Typescript TypeScript's integration of static typing enhances code reliability and maintainability.
Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS accelerates web development with its utility-first approach, ensuring rapid styling and consistent design.

| Vite compression plugin | This plugin compresses the index.html file making the final footprint a lot smaller.


For the app functionality I choose the following:

Dependencies Description
Three Easy to use, lightweight, cross-browser, general purpose 3D library.
Urdf-loader Utilities for loading URDF files into THREE.js and a Web Component that loads and renders the model.
Xacro-parser Javascript parser and loader for processing the ROS Xacro file format.
NippleJS A vanilla virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.
Uzip Simple, tiny and fast ZIP library.
ChartJS Simple and flexible charting library.


The kinematic for the robot is from this kinematics paper

Getting started

  1. Clone and open the new project

    git clone https://github.com/runeharlyk/SpotMicroESP32-Leika
  2. Install dependencies

    cd app
    pnpm install
  3. Configure device settings

    1. Update factory_settings.ini with relevant settings



  1. Run the app

    pnpm run dev


  1. Build the app

    pnpm run build
  2. Upload Filesystem Image using platformIO


See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


This project takes great inspiration from the following resources:

  1. Spot Micro Quadruped Project - mike4192
  2. Kinematics
  3. ESP32SvelteKit template
  4. SpotMicroAi
  5. Spot Micro - Leika
  6. NightDriverStrip


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