- 0
- 0
- 2
- 2
bcftools norm: Why did it "normalize" this deletion by shifting REF 5' by 29 bp?
#2336 opened by toddajohnson - 1
Feature request: norm --remove-duplicates report removed dupes in summary stats
#2346 opened by davmlaw - 0
Problems defining ploidy with bcftools call
#2351 opened by amankowski - 1
feature request: duplicate merging and selecting
#2342 opened by davmlaw - 0
consensus `--missing` not compatible with gvcf blocks
#2350 opened by Fan-iX - 2
mpileup's off-by-one bug: when cannot parse contig name with a comma, subsequent output is wrongly labeled
#2345 opened by azaznaev - 1
- 5
how to subset .vcf.gz file to include only variants whose genomic coordinates are given in a list
#2332 opened by annilk - 2
recovering multiallelics with bcftools norm is changing reference alleles to missing
#2339 opened by bwspitzer - 2
- 6
Problem with specifying filtering expression v1.21
#2322 opened by reshu23 - 1
- 3
Filter a gene list including intergenic regions
#2319 opened by ccbruels - 3
bcftools 1.20 merge gvcfs results in more than one variant at the same location for complex polyallelic MNP variants
#2333 opened by jcm6t - 1
bcftools annotate labels transferred FILTER column as single value "Number=1" in header
#2335 opened by toddajohnson - 0
Bcftools query does not recognize arithmetic functions
#2349 opened by smlchen - 0
- 0
2 lines of InDel in the same position ?
#2347 opened by Jerry-Wang-Dog - 2
- 0
Empty filtering expression results in segfault
#2341 opened by pd3 - 2
- 1
Different parameters on different chromosomes
#2327 opened by JJ0ONATHANESTAR - 1
bcftools filter version 1.21 doesn't accept %QUAL
#2334 opened by sinamajidian - 15
bcftools csq Error: the fasta reference does not match the VCF REF allele at h2tg000007l:1000944
#2323 opened by leon945945 - 1
bcftools merge remove the phase of half-missing genotypes
#2331 opened by Han-Cao - 3
strange handling of SVs by bcftools norm --fasta-ref
#2330 opened by maggs-x - 2
bcftools 1.21 merge segmentation fault
#2328 opened by peterjuv - 5
bcftools merge missing GT information
#2326 opened by poddarharsh15 - 4
Majority of SNPs have allele frequency = 0.000000
#2321 opened by ryanskiba - 3
seg fault for reheader -o
#2311 opened by Ahuiting - 3
fail to find libgsl
#2325 opened by caylamason - 2
- 5
- 4
- 7
- 1
Error: bcftools csq --- splice_build_hap: Assertion `splice->tr->beg <= rbeg' failed.
#2313 opened by sbgonenc - 1
`bcftools norm` can not handle insertion-breakend entries with fasta reference (VCF4.3+)
#2317 opened by Nicolai-vKuegelgen - 2
Consensus of ALTs only without genotypes in file
#2315 opened by schorlton-bugseq - 1
cmp_vector_strings() in filter.c complains that nvalues!=str_value.l for VCF lines missing the GT format
#2314 opened by freeseek - 3
bcftools header check err
#2312 opened by xiucz - 4
Trying to understand mpileup output format
#2308 opened by anderspitman - 1
How to Generate Haplotype 1 and 2 FASTA Files Using Phased VCF from HiPhase
#2310 opened by ClarenceHsiang - 1
'annotate' error message when trying to put a Float into an 'Number=A,type=Integer' INFO
#2306 opened by Gullumluvl - 2
Convert missing single dot to "./."?
#2303 opened by bbimber - 2
Heterozygocity missing
#2304 opened by cottonrnr - 3
bcftools annotate - tag ID not defined
#2302 opened by ValentinaPeona - 3
bcftools call empty output with -o
#2301 opened by niederhuth