Official PyTorch Implementation for "PTT: Point-Track-Transformer Module for 3D Single Object Trackingin Point Clouds"
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#18 opened by JulyLi2019 - 2
Nuscenes dataset
#17 opened by abchears - 6
准确率 Accuracy
#16 opened by chenqi13814529300 - 7
How to train with multiple gpus?
#15 opened by freshwk - 4
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qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
#14 opened by abchears - 3
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Model Reasoning Questions
#7 opened by xieyunjiao-holo - 1
Question about
#6 opened by xieyunjiao-holo - 2
Visualization tracking
#5 opened by freshwk - 3
When will your code release?
#4 opened by panwangaz - 2
Questions about PTT module
#3 opened by freshwk - 1
Will the code be released?
#2 opened by freshwk - 2
Paper and Code.
#1 opened by CodeLHY