Quick mining and visualization of NGS data by integrating genomic databases
- aiofmcas
- bakerwmIBP
- boboppieAstraZeneca
- coonya
- daniilidisKUniversity of Thessaly
- davetgerrardManchester, UK
- DoaneASNew York, NY
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eddielohyh
- fw1121BGI
- fwzhao
- jhcloos
- lifengJGI
- lishenIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- nesliavganCentre for Neuroscience & Regenerative Medicine
- niehu2018SZBL
- ny-shaoUniversity of Macau
- pedrocrispUQ
- rasimbarutcu
- RGunning@SanomaPro
- simexinShanghai, China
- suimye
- suresh2014University of Hyderabad, India
- trumanLuan@Sun Yat-sen university
- ustcahwry