SA-SSD: Structure Aware Single-stage 3D Object Detection from Point Cloud (CVPR 2020)
- 3
RuntimeError: Output 0 of SplitBackward is a view and is being modified inplace.
#98 opened by msmekala - 1
cuda execution failed with error 35
#60 opened by songw-zju - 1
The values for bbox, bev, 3d and aos seems to be very low as compared to what is specified in read me file
#99 opened by msmekala - 6
Pretrained Model
#49 opened by wangzhangfei-hkd - 14 build_ext fail RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension
#79 opened by stephen20190822 - 1
PRE-TRAINED MODEL for multi-class detection
#94 opened by CharviVitthal - 0
RuntimeError: function SparseImplicitGemmFunctionBackward returned an incorrect number of gradients (expected 12, got 3)
#97 opened by Jaida19 - 0
Windows Environment
#96 opened by Dejavusd - 0
Unable to test on a very small dataset (ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate)
#95 opened by CharviVitthal - 1
training error
#85 opened by hitxing - 0
Training from a checkpoint
#93 opened by BrandonBian - 4
error on RTX3090
#92 opened by vehxianfish - 3
we can achieve the 3d mid to 84.50. but the bev mid still around 90.0, what wrong with me
#63 opened by yangyongguang - 1
RuntimeError:all input tensors must be on the same device. received cuda:0 and cpu
#90 opened by june2678 - 0
multi-GPU trainning error
#91 opened by vehxianfish - 0
RuntimeError: CUDA error: invalid argument
#89 opened by sherlockzym - 0
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 310.00 MiB (GPU 0; 7.80 GiB total capacity; 4.05 GiB already allocated; 102.44 MiB free; 404.92 MiB cached)
#88 opened by sherlockzym - 1
raise RuntimeError(MISSING_LIBDEVICE_FILE_MSG.format(arch=arch)) RuntimeError: Missing libdevice file for compute_50. Please ensure you have package cudatoolkit 7.5. Install package by: conda install cudatoolkit=7.5
#87 opened by sherlockzym - 1
In, why num_class=1 for extra_head ?
#75 opened by praj441 - 0
install spconv 1.0
#86 opened by WWW2323 - 1
- 0
Question about
#84 opened by zgh2022 - 5
Help needed in visualizing results
#80 opened by kaushik333 - 2
- 1
- 0
FileNotFoundError: file "/home/xys/SA-SSD-master/tools/config" does not exist
#82 opened by BoXingJinQiu - 2
ImportError: /home/weijk/ws/SA-SSD-master/mmdet/ops/points_op/ undefined symbol: _ZN6caffe28TypeMeta21_typeMetaDataInstanceIN3c108BFloat16EEEPKNS_6detail12TypeMetaDataEv
#55 opened by songw-zju - 1
- 4
- 1
Where is Detachable auxiliary network in code ?
#78 opened by cuge1995 - 2
RuntimeError: Expected object of backend CUDA but got backend CPU for sequence element 1 in sequence argument at position #1 'tensors'
#72 opened by Rajat-Mehta - 0
The voxelization of input point cloud
#77 opened by gujiaqivadin - 0
How to measure the inference time?
#76 opened by jialeli1 - 1
- 0
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how to generate .bin for "velodyne_reduced"?
#71 opened by linbaiwpi - 0
Voxelization for multiclass
#70 opened by abhigoku10 - 3
- 1
Tensorflow Version
#65 opened by aaa1233211 - 1
how to reproduce the demo
#59 opened by bigsheep2018 - 1
Version of mmcv
#64 opened by zehanzhang - 2
Where are the loss weight settings?
#66 opened by Son-Goku-gpu - 6
- 0
Metrics of multiclass training
#62 opened by abhigoku10 - 2
Should val be added to the training when submitted on the official website?
#56 opened by tyjiang1997 - 1 build_ext fail
#52 opened by zhixiongzh - 1
- 1
mmcv error : can't improt module parallel_test
#53 opened by praj441 - 0
- 0
Guided Anchors function
#50 opened by abhigoku10