explanation of the df from subsetCommunication
amberqiong opened this issue · 4 comments
Thanks for the wonderful cellchat tool! I have some questions regarding regarding the explanation of the dataframe from subsetCommunication()
. Does the 'prob' column represent the communication probability (strength)? Can I directly compare this value between two datasets to assess if the signaling is up-regulated or down-regulated?
lipo.control.signaling.df=subsetCommunication(object.list[[1]],sources.use = c(1:3),targets.use = c(1:3)) lipo.PA.signaling.df=subsetCommunication(object.list[[2]],sources.use = c(1:3),targets.use = c(1:3))
My goal is to identify the list of the differential signaling, and then comparing to other dataset (find common changed pathways).
Thanks in advance.
@amberqiong Yes, you can compare the value between two datasets. the 'prob' column represent the communication probability (strength)
Thank you for the clarification!
@amberqiong Yes, you can compare the value between two datasets. the 'prob' column represent the communication probability (strength)
Is there a defined threshold for the 'prob' column that signifies strong communication?
@amberqiong no threshold is for prob
. But high values indicate strong communicaitons