Pinned issues
- 2
Incorrect documentation / use of thresh.pc argument
#752 opened by ATpoint - 4
explanation of the df from subsetCommunication
#750 opened by amberqiong - 4
error in netVisual_bubble plotting
#751 opened by Zhasha95 - 1
Using a two-species sample
#746 opened by juanjaureguilozano - 1
could not find function "findEnrichedSignaling"
#748 opened by yueli8 - 5
Error in base::colSums(x, na.rm = na.rm, dims = dims, ...) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
#747 opened by yueli8 - 0
#749 opened by dianalee92 - 1
unused arguments (min.dist = 0.3, n.neighbors = k)
#745 opened by yueli8 - 2
- 1
rankingsimilarity - back to issue #160
#744 opened by anaccsilva - 7
Error with computeCommunProb (CellChat 2.1.0)
#731 opened by MrModenait - 2
- 0
Error in createCellChat object
#742 opened by TZUwang - 1
Issue with installing CellChat package in R studio
#739 opened by Navya156 - 1
Why haven't we utilized single-cell proteomics for cell communication recognition and prediction?
#740 opened by YuzhiSun - 0
- 1
NetP empty after running computeCommunProb
#736 opened by Dena2021 - 0
- 1
error with identifyOverExpressedGenes(cellchat)
#734 opened by sanskritidey - 1
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 4
netVisual_diffInteraction for specific cell target, Error in i_set_edge_attr(x, attr(value, "name"), index = value, value = attr(value, : Length of new attribute value must be 1 or 25, the number of target edges, not 7
#705 opened by rfreeman7 - 0
- 1
CellChat2 computeCommunProb error
#727 opened by kcavagnero - 1
Error in obj2 - obj1 : non-conformable arrays
#724 opened by galaxyeee - 1
corresponding research of example data?
#726 opened by shenscore - 0
Is there a minimum sample requirement for running CellChat on bulk RNA-seq data?
#725 opened by minghao622 - 1
Question about parameter selection in scale.factors?
#721 opened by qijt123 - 2
- 0
Additional details to circle plot?
#723 opened by jcshuy - 0
Extracellular vesicles
#722 opened by goodwawa - 1
subsetCellChat Error
#720 opened by acihanckr - 2
- 1
Error: Failed to install 'CellChat' from GitHub
#715 opened by jjandshi - 0
Inferring cell-cell interactions between cells from a scRNAseq dataset and cells from a bulk RNA seq dataset
#718 opened by livyring - 1
- 0
netVisual_bubble No interactions are detected
#717 opened by DelongZHOU - 0
- 0
error in computeCommunProb (cellchat,raw.use = TRUE, type="triMean",population.size = TRUE), which said data.use[RsubunitsV, ] : subscript out of bounds
#713 opened by wxx-dor - 0
- 0
Question about comparing the communication probabilities between two CellChat objects
#711 opened by wyxwyx96 - 0
- 0
error with:cellchat <- netEmbedding(cellchat, = 'netP', type = "functional")
#709 opened by double322 - 1
- 0
issues with downloading cellchat tool in Rstudio
#707 opened by ssruser - 5
Getting adjusted p values CellChat
#706 opened by jv-20 - 0
- 0