
[bellbot] broken install targets

Closed this issue · 12 comments

When trying to run catkin_make install:

error: package directory 'src/bellbot_scheduler' does not exist
CMake Error at strands_hri/bellbot_scheduler/catkin_generated/safe_execute_install.cmake:4 (message):

  returned error code
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  strands_hri/bellbot_scheduler/cmake_install.cmake:36 (INCLUDE)
  cmake_install.cmake:135 (INCLUDE)

you want to assign somebody of the team, or it will not be seen

I'll assign @yianni for now, trusting that he knows who implemented this ;)

clearly the whole src/ dir is missing

I think this was to manually schedule bellbot tasks for the demonstration purposes. @RaresAmbrus Correct?

We should ask @Jailander. I think he imported this here...

yes, but I am not sure what is missing, I checked when I moved everything and the structure seemed correct and the compilation worked ok, @yianni can you check please, I currently have my hands full with other things

Fix hint: Remove, comment this line and create a proper install target for the script in scrips.

@Jailander Sure I can have a look but from Monday as I am currently out of my office.
@cdondrup Thanks for hint.

Ok, maybe @kunzel, @RaresAmbrus or @Pandoro can help here if they are online

it was two lines... done it... #93

I suppose

Thank you Marc