Setup ROS2 bridge for VRX
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What needs to change?
To use the new version of the VRX simulator (ie, the simulator for RobotX), we will need to install the ROS 2 bridge, which will allow our ROS 1 code to communicate with the ROS 2 code used by VRX.
How would this task be tested?
- Add a test to ensure that we can use the VRX simulator (ie, we can run a launch file and launch our boat).
I followed installation steps for my local ubuntu 20.0.4 machine for the VRX simulator. This involved building a docker image as specified in the VRX repo. I also read the documentation on the ros1_bridge package and its usage, as well as multiple bridge tutorials on the different options this package and other similar ones offer. At the moment, I have the following preliminary steps in mind for the bridge setup:
Understand the requirements for ROS1 communication with VRX ROS2 code.
Meet with team leaders (@cbrxyz) to clarify environment-specific matters in our project.
Setup docker image for virtual machine (as done locally) or ROS2 distribution.
Install the ros1_bridge package. Either for one-way or dynamic communication between ROS1 and ROS2 topics.
Verify basic connectivity and functionality of the bridge by creating a test nodes .
Modify launch files that ensure the proper bridge configuration and setup.
Launch and verify functionality of the VRX simulator.
Create test case that automatically tests the bridge upon launch.
Progress update:
I am working on the installation of ros2, which is a prerequisite for ros1_bridge. I am writing a script that handles this installation, so that it can be ran before running the new VRX version.
I have read documentation and guides for the use of the bridge, and knowing that it needs two-way communication, a dynamic bridge is likely required.
In order to ensure the bridge is working properly, I will be writing a test node and a guide for testing the functionality of the bridge.
Finally, I had some issues with the initial approach I was considering, as it filled my Linux disk space, so I had to handle that before I could continue with the bridge setup
Progress update:
This week I did not manage to work on this issue. I had interviews scheduled on a very short time frame throughout the week so I will make up for the time next week.
Progress Update:
I managed to get the bridge running on my local machine using foxy as my ros2 distro. I am working on adding its installation to the scripts. Before submitting a PR I'll have to test my changes to ensure they don't break our environment
- I have completed the bridge installation. Although I had the PR setup for ROS2 foxy, due to incompatibility with the new gazebo garden that must be used for VRX, I had to modify it to work with ros2 humble
- I am drafting the PR for the humble/noetic bridge.
- Aside from drafting the PR. The following package must be fixed as well: 'rcl_interfaces/msg/Log' and ROS 1 type 'rosgraph_msgs/Log'