- 0
how to support blender 4.1?
#79 opened by missBlueWhite - 3
Render point cloud doesn't work
#78 opened by LisaDieterle - 7
render not vissible
#47 opened by wun11 - 4
- 1
UVTEX not working through API
#77 opened by anthonySemaan01 - 3
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Normals won't render ...
#55 opened by ricemcm - 1
export ply from external API
#74 opened by anthonySemaan01 - 1
Is this a scaling problem?
#73 opened by MariaMel98 - 1
Missing vertex normals
#72 opened by MariaMel98 - 1
- 1
Follow up to "sequence not animating" post
#70 opened by EvanHemingway - 1
Side bar Doesn't show the plugin
#69 opened by richasempire - 1
Viewer in VR Scene
#67 opened by junhua-l - 1
Depth from ply file
#68 opened by rebecca0011 - 1
Import bpy Error
#66 opened by zhangsanfeng86 - 1
sequence not animating
#63 opened by Linusnie - 1
second development
#64 opened by lili2012 - 1
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Tool 'ui_plus.opencv' already exists!
#59 opened by vardhan-siramdasu - 1
Clip to a cube does not work
#58 opened by ttkrpink - 1
Point Cloud Visualizer: Only generating points within camera view (i.e backface points are culled)
#57 opened by ASeau - 5
- 2
Import Agisoft Cameras in Blender 2.93.4
#54 opened by PLAN8VR - 1
Where is the Import panel?
#53 opened by pflani - 2
Add On not showing up.
#52 opened by jackwolfwolf - 1
Convert all the imported point clouds to isospheres with vertex colors using script
#51 opened by thingsontopofotherthings - 2
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Hello, where can I download the point cloud example demonstrated in the animation?
#49 opened by yangninghua - 1
Visualize PLY in Blender 2.90
#46 opened by Ahleroy - 1
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Problem with render of png
#44 opened by VitaliiHm - 1
Can not import any .ply files
#43 opened by guiglass - 5
Opaque background to renders from PCV
#41 opened by edsear - 3
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Issue iporting XML
#39 opened by jackwolfwolf - 0
Error when importing XML
#38 opened by jackwolfwolf - 1
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Can you
#37 opened by JosephT722 - 1
Question about accessing add-on...
#36 opened by JakubPelka - 2
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Enhancement of Blender's OpenGL renderer
#34 opened by SBCV - 6
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