
Procedure to remove getColoredPathway function

AlexanderPico opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Deprecate in 1.8 ( Apr 2020, r3.11)
  • Defunct 1.10 (Oct 2020, r3.12)
  • Remove in 1.12 (Apr 2021, r3.13)
egonw commented

@AlexanderPico, looks like we need to disable the test:

* checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in ‘rWikiPathways-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: getColoredPathway
> ### Title: Defunct: Get Colored Pathway
> ### Aliases: getColoredPathway
> ### ** Examples
> {
+   svg = getColoredPathway(pathway="WP554", graphId="ef1f3")
+   svg = getColoredPathway(pathway="WP554", graphId=c("ef1f3","e68e0"))
+   svg = getColoredPathway(pathway="WP554", graphId=c("ef1f3","e68e0"),
+                           color="00FF00")
+   svg = getColoredPathway(pathway="WP554", graphId=c("ef1f3","e68e0"),
+                           color=c("FF0000", "0000FF"))
+   # writeLines(svg, "pathway.svg")
+ }
Error: This service is no longer available It is defunct in this release.
Execution halted
