- andyyankaiUniversity of California, Irvine
- araffin@DLR-RM
- bathal1@rgl-epfl
- bmahlbrandNew York, NY
- bygreencnChina
- costashatzElectrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras
- DiamonDinoiaSimons Foundation
- diegoferigoItalian Institute of Technology
- dtcxzywSUSTech
- dvicini@googlers
- fabiodr
- fly51flyPRIS
- fmac2000
- galexite@graphcore
- hugsy@blahcat
- hyeonjangKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI)
- jeanmarcalkazzi@idealworks
- jeffamstutzNVIDIA
- jsr-pSODAS
- lan496Preferred Networks, Inc.
- leroyvn@rayference
- liudeyuan2021Meshy
- MansterteddyMicrosoft
- markgomezUnited States
- MartinPerryPilsen
- mcrescasRealistic Graphics Lab (@rgl-epfl) at EPFL
- Milo-Ho
- pgoodman@trailofbits
- puneetmatharuArm Ltd.
- remiaLondon, U.K.
- Romit-MaulikPennsylvania State University
- vberlierParis, France
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester/FutureHouse
- YalimDBilkent University
- yuki-inahoinaho Inc.
- zheng95zJo Inc.