- 2
- 0
TPVFormer-Small config file
#74 opened by rimianxing - 0
Request for help
#73 opened by lloveapple - 0
How to use SurroundOcc's generated dense occupancy ground truths for training?
#71 opened by miraclesheephaha - 0
Question about "mmcv-full" Version?
#70 opened by DestinyXsy - 0
python visualization/ error
#69 opened by zkailinzhang - 0
- 0
How can I use with custom dataset
#67 opened by RyanPham19092002 - 0
Using different H and W resolution
#66 opened by michaelbaltaxe - 4
#55 opened by lzbushicai - 0
Visual six perspective angle calculation
#65 opened by LeonisAlpha - 1
Pure visual perception?
#64 opened by Luyanling269 - 4
No module named 'mmcv._ext'
#48 opened by 1609685371 - 0
I am encountering the following error. What should I do? (regarding nuScenes-lidarseg)
#46 opened by wangjinhoon - 0
what is mean "Video Context"??
#63 opened by wangjinhoon - 0
为什么推理时还要读lidar bin文件?
#62 opened by BITHG287 - 0
Discrepancy in Parameter Count and FLOPs in Paper
#61 opened by npurson - 0
- 0
- 3
Unable to increase `batch_size`
#34 opened by ktiays - 0
- 0
Scale in metric unit
#57 opened by amundra15 - 1
Higher inference resolution
#56 opened by amundra15 - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
#52 opened by zf-666 - 0
Question about 3D OCC task training
#50 opened by DanielMing123 - 0
decoder部分为什么要用ckpt进行导入fc layer
#49 opened by Hoantrbl - 0
TPVFormer's proposed CVHA which is in the paper is not implemented in the code
#47 opened by sathiiii - 2
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/nuscenes/v1.0-trainval/attribute.json'
#35 opened by Thecats-Jfm - 0
duplicated question
#45 opened by seoho-kang - 2
Code for SemanticKITTI
#44 opened by joonsu0109gh - 1
Semantic Scene Completion
#38 opened by ZHUANGMINGXI - 1
How to debug TPVFormer with ipdb?
#31 opened by yangH8 - 1
- 1
tpv04 setting Lidar Segmentation Pretrain
#33 opened by gaopeng91 - 1
- 2
#28 opened by w-yibo - 1
Loss and grad_norm are 'nan' when training
#41 opened by Thecats-Jfm - 1
How to apply the BEVFormer to the 3D OCC task?
#36 opened by qiy20 - 1
- 2
- 1
why do val first?
#40 opened by sinsin1998 - 3
Question about Cross-view Hybrid attention
#29 opened by jianingwangind - 2
When will the ssc codes be released?
#30 opened by munanning - 1
TPVFormer-Small config files
#27 opened by vobecant - 1
Core dump in visulization
#26 opened by qihao-plus - 0
Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0
#25 opened by vansin - 2
Question on hybrid ref pt 2d
#24 opened by george0407