
A list of alternative splicing analysis resources

Alternative Splicing Tools

A list of alternative splicing analysis resources

Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Review 5 Review 6

Splice-aware mapping tools

2passtools: a tool for filtering long RNA-Seq alignment from minimap2


BFAST: a BLAT-like mapping tool. Only for SOLiD data.


CRAC (Not available)




iMapSplice: a personalized RNA-Seq alignment tool




PALMapper: a splice-aware mapping tool

Rail-RNA: a cloud-enabled splice-aware mapping tool

RUM: a splice-aware mapping tool


SeqSaw: a splice-aware mapping tool

Shark: mapping-free tool for fishing relevant reads in an RNA-Seq sample

SpliceMap: a splice-aware mapping tool

Subread: a splice-aware mapping tool

featureCounts is a part of Subread to count features expression

STAR: a splice-aware mapping tool

Alternative splicing and differential splicing detection tools


ARH-Seq: a differential splicing detection tool

The R code is in the supplementary materials

ASD: an alternative splicing event detection tool

ASDT: an alternative splicing event detection tool

ASGAL: an alternative splicing event detection tool

ASpediaFI: identification of DAS events and co-regulated genes and pathways


ASpli: an alternative splicing event and differential splicing detection tool

ASprofile: an alternative splicing event detection tool

ASTool: AS detection from plant RNA-Seq

AStrap: an alternative splicing event prediction from transcript sequence


CASH: a differential splicing analysis tool

DARTS: an alternative splicing event detection tool

DSGseq: a differential splicing detection tool


EventPointer: an alternative splicing event detection tool

FakIR: an intron retention identification tool

FaRLine: a pipeline for alternative splicing event detection

GESS: an exon skipping detection tool

Based on not supporting tool MISO

iDiffIR: a differential intron retention tool

iFLAS: a plant-optimized AS toolkit

IntEREst: an intron retention identification tool

iREAD: an intron retention identification tool

IRFinder: an intron retention identification tool

IRFinder is not maintained

jSplice: a differential splicing detection tool

Not maintained.

JUM: an alternative splicing event detection tool

Jutils/MntJULiP: A visualization toolkit for differential alternative splicing events/Now with covariates

Keep Me Around: an intron retention identification tool

KISSPLICE: an alternative splicing event detection tool

KISSDE for differential splicing analysis

MAJIQ: an alternative splicing event detection tool


nagnag: a nagnag splicing prediction tool

PAVfinder: de novo isoforms inference from transcriptome assemblies

Part of TAP pipeline

psichomics: an alternative splicing quantification and visualization tool

PSI-Sigma: a differential splicing detection tool

PTESFinder: a post-transcriptional exon shuffling

rMATS: a differential splicing detection

SAJR: a differential splicing tool

SEASTAR: an alternative transcription start sites detection tool

SGSeq: an alternative splicing event detection tool

splAdder: an alternative splicing event detection tool

SpliceDetector: an alternative splicing event detection tool

splicekit: a pipeline

spliceR: a tool for alternative splicing events, differential splicing detection, and isoform switching

SpliceSeq: a tool for investigation of alternative mRNA splicing patterns in data from RNA-seq.

SplicingCompass: a differential splicing tool

SplicingTypesAnno: an alternative splicing event detection tool


TECtool: a terminal codon characterization

Whippet: an alternative splicing event detection tool

Yanagi: a differential alternative splicing tool


ACTOR: a latent Dirichlet model to compare expressed isoform proportions to a reference panel

AERON: an isoform quantification and gene-fusion detection from long reads

Alexa-Seq: an isoform qunification and differential isoform expression tool

Not maintained.


BANDITS: a differential isoform usage

BIISQ: an isoform inference tool

BitSeq: an isoform quantification and differential isoform expression tool

Cancer DEIso: a differential gene and isoform expression in cancer

casper: an alternative splicing event detection tool

CEM: a transcriptome assmbly and isoform quantification tool

CIDANE: an isoform quantification and reconstruction tool

Cufflinks: a suite of tools for an isoform quantification and differential isoform expression tool

  • Cufflinks assembles transcriptomes from RNA-Seq data and quantifies their expression.
  • Cuffcompare compares the assembled transcriptomes
  • Cuffmerge merges the tranacriptomes from multiple RNA-Seq libraries
  • Cuffquant computes the gene and transcript expression profiles
  • Cuffdiff compares expression levels of genes and transcripts in RNA-Seq
  • Cuffnorm normalizes the expression levels
  • URL
  • PubMed
  • GitHub

DiffSplice: a differential isoform expression detection tool

DRIMseq: a differential isoform expression detection tool

DTUrtle: a differential transcript usage for bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq

EBseq: a differential isoform expression detection tool

Event Analysis: an isoform inference (a conda recipe)


SEVA: a differential isoform expression

SEVA is implemented in the R package GSReg

HBA-DEALS: a differential gene and isoform expression

iReckon: an isoform inference and quantification tool

IsoEm2: an isoform quantification tool

IsoformSwitchAnalyzer: an isoform switch detection


The list of R scripts

IsoInfer: a tool for isoforms inference

iso-kTSP: an isoform switch detection

IsoSeq de novo: an isoform identification from IsoSeq

The list of Python scripts

IsoSplitter: an isofrom quantification for long reads

ISP: a tool for isoforms inference

IUTA: a differential isoform expression tool

kallisto: an isoform quantification tool

sleuth is a differential isoform expression tool after kallisto analysis


metaDIEA: a differential isoform expression analysis

MMSEQ: an isoform quantification tool

MISO: a differential isoform expression tool

Not maintained

MIETIE: an isoform inference and quantification tool


mtim: an isoform inference tool

NBBt-test: a versatile method for differential analysis of multiple types of RNA-seq data

NBSplice: a differential isoform usage

NLDMSeq: an isoform quantification tool

NURD: an isoform quantification tool

PennDiff: a differential isoform usage detection

PRAM: transcript models inference from pooled RNA-seq

PSGInfer: an isoforms inference and differential analysis tool


rDiff: a differential isoform expression detection tool

RSEM: an isoform quantification tool

The variant of the tools is pRSEM: an isoform quantification with a complementary data

rSeqDiff: a differential isoform expression detection tool

rSeqNP: a differential isoform expression detection tool

Sailfish: an isoform quantification tool

salmon: an isoform quantification tool

SDEAP: a differential isoform expression detection tool for population data

SLIDE: an isoform inference and quantification tool

No documentation

SOSTAR: iSofOrmS annoTAtoR pipeline

Sparselso: an isoform identification tool


SpliceGrapher: a tool for creating splice graphs and isoforms predicting

spliceR: a tool for alternative splicing, differential detection and isoform switching

SplicingFactory: an isoform diversity

StringTie: a transcriptome assembly and isoform quantification tool

subgraphquant: a transcript abundance estimator

SUPPA: an isoform quantification tool



tappAS: a functional effect of alternative splicing

TIGAR2: an isoform quantification tool from longer RNA-Seq

TranD: transcript diversity metrics

Traph: an isoform quantification tool

TRIMD: Iso-Seq, RNA-Seq, and deepCAGE data integration for transcriptome resolution

The list of Perl scripts


DEXSeq: a differential exon usage tool

DIEGO: a differential alternative splicing tool

DJExpress: An Integrated Application for Differential Splicing Analysis and Visualization

diffUTR: a differential exon usage analysis

ExClust: a package for constitutive exons analysis

Part of the sysSeq package. No easily accessible documentation

ExCluster: a differential exon expression tool

FineSplice: a TopHat2 wrapper to identify expressed junctions

FreePSI: an exon-inclusion ratio quantification tool

HMMSplicer: a splice junctions detection

HTSeq: an RNA-Seq quantification tool

The tool can quantify exon expression

iGEMS: a model for alternative exon usage detection

An R script


A list of scripts

iTAD: a switch-like exons identification

The code is upon request


JunctionSeq: a differential exon and junctions usage

LeafCutter: an intron quantification and differential analysis



MISO: a differential isoform expression tool

The tool also detects differentially regulated exons. MISO also presents sashimi plots for exon expression visualisation. No longer maintained.

PAIRADISE: a paired differential isoform expression

Portcullis: a splice junctions detection

Read-Split-Fly: a splice junctions detection (base on Read-Split-Walk and Read-Split-Run)

RNAprof: a differential RNA processing tool

SeqGSEA: a gene set enrichment analysis with differential expression and splicing

SigFuge: a differential isoform expression detection tool

SpliceJumper: a splice junctions detection

SpliceLauncher: a splice junctions detection

SPLICE-q: an intron splicing efficiency

SpliceTrap: a tool to quantify exon inclusion levels using paired-end RNA-seq data

Redirects to ESEfinder

SpliSER: a splice site usage quantification

SplicingGraphs: a splicing graphs creation, visualization, and quantification tool

sQTL analysis

Review 1

FIVEx: a eQTL and sQTL browser

GLiMMPS: an sQTL detection


  • BioRxiv The code will be after publication

PVAAS: a tool to identify SNVs associated with aberrant splicing

SNPlice: variants that modulate Intron retention from RNA-sequencing data

sQTLseekeR: an sQTL detection

SplicePlot: an sQTL visualization

No easily accessible documentation

ulfasQTL: an sQTL detection (based on sQTLseekeR)

Splice sites prediction and cryptic splicing


CADD-splice: a variant effect on alternative splicing


CI-SpliceAI: machine learning predictions of disease causing splicing variants

COSSMO: an alternative splicing site usage prediction

The code for the model

CRYP-SKIP: an effect of exonic mutation

CrypSplice: a cryptic splice variations prediction tool

DASSI: splice identification from DNA sequences

The model


DeepDSSR: a donor splice site recognition

The model

Deep Splicing Code: an alternative splicing event prediction from sequence

The code

DeltaSplice: splicing-altering mutations

DNABERT: pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers model for DNA-language in genome

EX-SKIP: a variant effect prediction on alternative splicing

Exon ByPASS: predicting exon criticality

GeneSplicer: a splice site prediction


HAL: an effect of variants on alternative splicing

Human Splicing Finder: a splice site prediction

Limited access



MaxEntScan: a tool for human 5'splice sites scoring



MMSplice: a tool for prediction of the effect of genetic variants on alternative splicing



NetAspGene: a splice site prediction in Aspergillus

NetGene2 Server: a splice site prediction

NetUTR: a splice site prediction in 5'UTR regions of human genes

NNSPLICE: a splice site prediction by neural network

PEPSI: a prediction of PSI value changes due to genetic variants

PredPSI-SVR: a prediction of PSI value changes due to genetic variants

RegTools: Integrated analysis of genomic and transcriptomic data for the discovery of splice-associated variants in cancer

rPGA: a hidden splicing variations

SAVNet: a tool for detection of effect of genetic variants on alternative splicing

SiLVA: prediction of synonymous (silent) mutations within the human genome

SKIPPY: a tool for detection of exonic variants that modulate splicing


Splice2Deep: a splice site prediction

SpliceAI: a tool for detection of the effect of genetic variants on alternative splicing

Spliceator: a splice site prediction

Spliceman: a web tool for prediction of sequence variations in splicing

SpliceView: a splice site prediction

SpliceViNCI: a non-canonical splice sites prediction

No code provided

SPANR: a splicing-based analysis of SNVs

SQUIRLS: a tool that detects changes in splicing regulatory sequences

TraP: transcript inferred pathogenecity score


Alternative splicing regulation

AGML: RBP-AS association prediction

AIRBP: Identification of RNA-binding proteins using machine-learning techniques


BPP: a branch point prediction

branchpointer: a branch point prediction


DanQ (for DNA)

DeepRKE: prediction of RBP binding sites

No documentation


DeeperBind (For DNA binding)

DeepBtoD: RNA-binding proteins prediction via integrated deep learning



dsRBPBind: the effect of RNA secondary structure on double-stranded RNA-protein binding

dSreg: a differential splicing and regulation prediction

ESEFinder: a web tool for exon splicing enhancers identification

ExonScan: a regulatory exonic motifs identification

The code is upon request

ExonSuite: a tool for PUF binding regions analysis

The Python script with no documentation







LaBranchoR: a branchpoint prediction tool

Last release: 2019, February, 20th


MIRA: a tool for mutation identification for RNA Alterations

ModCon: a splice site usage modification tool


No code

RBPmap: a tool for mapping binding sites of RNA binding proteins

Last release: 2021, February




rMAPS2: a tool for RNA-binding protein analysis

PCB: approach to infer the dynamic regulatory relationships between alternative splicing events

RNABP: a branchpoint prediction

Sparse Adjusted Motifs (SAM): modeling of RNA-binding protein motifs

SPLASH2: a k-mer counting approach for regulated sequence variation detection

SVM-BPfinder: a branchpoint prediction tool

Last release: 2016

WDFSMF: an RNA-AS target prediction

No documentation

Zeng et al.


Review 1

biosurfer: a computational approach for comparing protein isoforms

jcast: takes in alternative splicing events and returns custom protein sequence databases for isoform analysis


QUILTS: the identification of novel proteins, resulting from single nucleotide variants, splice variants, and fusion genes

PASS: an alternative splicing detection from proteome

pgdb and pypgatk: creation of proteogenomics databases based on ENSEMBL resources

SpliceVista: a tool for splice variant identification and visualization in shotgun proteomics data

SPLICIFY: a proteogenomic pipeline for differential splice variant identification

TopPG: a proteogenomic tool for generating proteoform sequence databases with genetic alterations and alternative splicing events

Network analysis

ALT-IN: predicting protein interaction network perturbation by alternative splicing

CoSpliceNet: a co-splicing network tool

DeepIII: an isoform-isoform interaction prediction

DIGGER: a role of alternative splicing in protein-protein interactions

DomainGraph: effect of alternative splicing on domain-domain interactions



Splitpea: PPI rewiring

Single-cell data (much much more here https://www.scrna-tools.org/)

acorde: networks of isoform co-usage from single-cell data

BRIE: an isoform quantification tool


Expedition: an alternative splicing detection tool

IsoCell: an approach for isoform-based single-cell clustering

MARVEL: an integrated alternative splicing analysis platform for single-cell RNA sequencing data

Psix: splicing that changes across a landscape of single cells


scAllele: detection and analysis of variants in scRNA-seq

scASfind: Mining alternative splicing patterns in scRNA-seq

SICILIAN: splice junctions identification in bulk and single RNA-Seq

SingleSplice: an alternative splicing detection tool

SpliZ: a splicing quantification score for single-cell

Long reads (much much more here https://long-read-tools.org/)

Review 1 Review 2

ASAPA: a pipeline that identifies the links among alternative splicing, alternative transcription initiation and alternative polyadenylation

A code is not found


brca-isoforms: long-read isoform analysis platform and sequencing resource for breast cancer

CTAT-LR-fusion: fusion transcripts detection

NAGATA: Nanopore guided annotation of transcriptome architectures


deSALT: an alignment tool


FLAME: a bioinformatics pipeline for alternative splicing analysis of gene-specific or transcriptome-wide long-read sequencing data


Freddie: annotation-independent detection and discovery of transcriptomic alternative splicing isoforms using long-read sequencing














scallop-LR: a transcritome assembler


SCASL: a single-cell clustering based on alternative splicing landscapes











Isoform Function Inference/Functional interpretation

ASpediaFI: Functional Interaction Analysis of Alternative Splicing Events

DeepIDA: isoform-disease associations prediction





factR: Functional Annotation of Custom Transcriptomes


IsoDA: an isoform-disease association prediction





NMD Classifier: a nonsense mediated decay classifier

n1pas: an alternatevely spliced pathway detection

PathwaySplice: a pathway analysis for alternative splicing genes

SAPFIR: A webserver for the identification of alternative protein features

SpliceTools: a suite of downstream RNA splicing analysis tools to investigate mechanisms and impact of alternative splicing



TS-Isofun: a tissue-specific isoform function prediction

No code available


The code is not available

Circular RNA

At-C-RNA: Arabidopsis thaliana CircRNAs







Circ-LocNet: localisation prediction


circRNA-sponging: a pipeline for extensive analysis of circRNA expression and their role in miRNA sponging



DEBKS: A Tool to Detect Differentially Expressed Circular RNA



FL-circAS: an integrative resource and analysis for full-length sequences and alternative splicing of circular RNAs with nanopore sequencing








TransCirc: an interactive database for translatable circular RNAs based on multi-omics evidence

VirusCircBase: a database of virus circular RNAs

Aberrant Splicing


LeafCutter: an intron quantification and differential analysis


3D RNA-Seq: a pipeline

AIDD: a pipeline for transcript level analysis

AltAnalyze: an alternative splicing event detection tool

Kallisto-Splice is part of a tool for a splice-aware mapping



OneStopRNAseq: a pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis

PPLine: a pipeline for SNP calling and gene/isoform quantification

PipeOne-NM: RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline for Non-Model Organisms

RAP: a web pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis

rmappet: a pipeline for alternative splicing analysis

SeqCVIBE: Interactive Analysis, Exploration, and Visualization of RNA-Seq

For RNA-Seq only


ACEScan: the algorithm for prediction of conserved alternatively spliced exons from pairs of conserved mouse/human exons

The code is upon request

ASES: a tool for assessing the impact of alternative splicing, initiation and termination of transcription on protein diversity in evolution

ASimulatoR: RNA-Seq reads with splicing simulation

ASNEO: a detection of alternative splicing neoantigens

BEERS2: RNA-Seq reads with splicing simulation

CAMPAREE: an RNA expression simulator

CHESSBOARD: Splicing-based subtyping

EGIO: orthologous exons detection

Last release

Enhanced Integrated Gradients: a method to identify specific features

ERPIN: a mitochondrial intron detection

eSkip-Finder: a machine learning-based web application and database to identify the optimal sequences of antisense oligonucleotides for exon skipping

ESPRNN: epigenome-based splicing prediction

Ex-Ex Primer: designing oligonucleotides spanning spliced nucleic acid regions


ExOrthist: an exon evolution

ExTraMapper: Exon- and Transcript-level mappings for orthologous gene pairs

FSOM: a methylation pattern associated with alternative splicing

IsoDeconvMM: cell type deconvolution based on isoform composition

IsoSel: an isoform phylogenetic analysis tool

Matt: feature extraction for alternative splicing

MBS: a genome browser annotation track for microRNA binding sites in the whole human transcriptome

Mirage: multiple sequence isoform alignment

MOCCASIN: a correction for confounders

PIC-Me: a classification model between paralogs and isoforms


RedRibbon: associations between gene and transcript level

rnabridge-denovo: de novo Bridging Paired-end RNA-seq Data

ORQAS: an alternative splicing quantification tool from RNA-Seq and Ribo-Seq

PrimerSeq: a tool for RT-PCR primers design that evaluates alternative splicing events

SCISSOR: a framework for identifying structural changes in RNA transcripts

SimSpliceEvol: an alternative splicing-aware simulation of biological sequence evolution

SLIDR and SLOPPR: flexible identification of spliced leader trans-splicing and prediction of eukaryotic operons from RNA-Seq data

SplicePie: an order of splicing prediction

ThorAxe: an evolutionary splicing graphs construction

TranscriptAchilles: a transcript-level biomarkers for cancer

UNCOVER: the algorithm for predicting conserved alternatively spliced exons (and retained introns) in orthologous intron pairs (Upon request)


AceView: a database of alternative splicing isoforms

AltTrans: a database of alternative splicing and alternative polyadenilation (archived)

APPRIS: a database of principal splice isoforms

Arabidopsis PeptideAtlas

ASCancer Atlas: a comprehensive knowledgebase of alternative splicing in human cancers

AS-CMC: a pan-cancer database of alternative splicing for molecular classification of cancer


ASlive/### LivestockExp

ASpedia: a database of human alternative splicing

ASPicDB: a database of alternative splicing patterns in human genes

ASPN: a splicing-derived neoepitopes database

Blood Proteoform Atlas

CancerSplicingQTL: a database of SNPs that affect alternative splicing

CanIsoNet: a database to study the functional impact of isoform switching events in diseases

CASA: a comprehensive database resource for the COVID-19 Alternative Splicing Atlas

CAS-viewer: a visualization tool of cancer alternatively splicing


Cortexa: mouse brain

CuAS: a database of alternative splicing in cucumber

dbNSFP v4: a comprehensive database of transcript-specific functional predictions and annotations for human nonsynonymous and splice-site SNVs

DBTSS: a database of transcription start sites

eQTL Catalogue: a database of eQTL and sQTL

ExonSkipAD: exon skipping in Alzheimer's disease

ExonSkipDB: a functional characterization of skipped exons

FishExp: A comprehensive database and analysis platform for gene expression and alternative splicing of fish species

FLIBase: a repository of full-length isoforms across human cancers and tissues


Gene Expression Nebulas (GEN): a comprehensive data portal integrating transcriptomic profiles across multiple species at both bulk and single-cell levels

H-DBAS: a human alternative splicing database

HEXEvent: a database of Human EXon splicing Events

The Human Proteoform Atlas

IDeAS: an interactive database for dysregulated alternative splicing in cancers across Chinese and western patients

IntroVerse: a comprehensive database of introns across human tissues


ISOdb: a database of Iso-Seq isoforms

ISOexpresso: a database of isoform expression in cancer

Kassiopeia: a database of mutually exclusive exonomes

LncAS2Cancer: alternative splicing in lncRNAs in cancer

MAJIQlopedia: an encyclopedia of RNA splicing variations in human tissues and cancer

MeDAS: a Metazoan Developmental Alternative Splicing database


MutSpliceDB: A database of splice sites variants with RNA-seq based evidence on effects on splicing

NMDtxDB: A database of NMD targets


oRNAment: a database of putative RNA binding protein target sites in the transcriptomes of model species

Pan-cancer repository of validated natural and cryptic mRNA splicing mutations

PerturbAtlas: an atlas of public genetic perturbation bulk RNA-seq datasets

PID: Plant Intron Database

PlaASDB: a comprehensive database of plant alternative splicing events in response to stress

Plant Alternative Splicing Database


PlantSPEAD: a splicing-related protein expression database

PISE: Plant Intron-Splicing Efficiency Database

PolyA_DB: a database of pre-mRNA cleavage and polyA sites

ProSAS: a database of the effects of alternative splicing events on the structure of the resulting protein isoforms.

RJunBase: a database of RNA splice junctions in human normal and cancerous tissues


recount3: an online resource consisting of RNA-seq gene, exon, and exon-exon junction counts as well as coverage

SASD: the Synthetic Alternative Splicing Database for identifying novel isoform from proteomics

S-CAP: a list of splice-related pathogenicity scores

SilkBase: an integrated transcriptomic and genomic database for Bombyx mori and related species

SpliceAid: a database of experimentally proven RNA target motifs bound by splicing proteins in human




scTEA-db: a database of novel terminal exon isoforms identified from human single cell transcriptomes

TassDB: a tandem splice sites database

TCGA SpliceSeq: splicing patterns alternation in TCGA

TeaAS: a database of alternative splicing in tea plants

Transposable element-derived alternative splicing in cancer

TSVdb: TCGA splicing variants database

VastDB: a database of alternative splicing profiles


DoChaP: a domain-splicing visualization

Geneapp: AS events visualization

GFFView: a RNA-Seq viewer

Integrated Genome Browser: a visual analysis of alternative splicing


ggsashimi: an alternative splicing visualization

Manananggal: a visualization of alternative splicing events

PTMViz: Understanding PTM Cross Talk Through a Visualization Tool

RNASeqViewer: a visualization tool for gene expression and isoforms

ScisorWiz: visualizing differential isoform expression in single-cell long-read data

SpliceV: a splicing visualization

TraC: a visualization a shared between splice variants sequences

VALERIE: visualizing splicing at single-cell

Vials: a visualization of alternative splicing tool


surfaltr: An R/Bioconductor package to benchmark surface protein isoforms by rapid prediction and visualization of transmembrane topologies

Transcript assembly

BayesDenovo: a transcriptome assembly

CLASS2: a transcriptome assembly tool

ConSemble: a tool for trascriptome assembly improvement

isoLASSO: a transcriptome assembly and isoform quantification tool

Jumper: a transcriptome assembly tool

MultiTrans: a transcriptome assembly

Oases: a transcriptome assembly tool

rnaSPAdes: a transcriptome assembly tool

Roast: supertranscriptome assembly

Scripture: a transcriptome assembly tool

SOAPdenovo-trans: a transcriptome assembly tool

Tiglon: a trascriptome assembly

TRANS-Abyss: a transcriptome assembly tool

TransRef: a transcriptome assembly

Trinity: a transcriptome assembly tool

Velvet: a transcriptome assembly tool



TSIS: a time-series isoform switches detection tool

Benchmark studies

Splice variants
