Pure PyTorch Implementation of NVIDIA paper on Instant Training of Neural Graphics primitives: https://nvlabs.github.io/instant-ngp/
Pinned issues
- 1
RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu! (when checking argument for argument mat2 in method wrapper_mm)
#44 opened by rib12316 - 3
Would be nice to have a requirements.txt file to ensure no dependencies or critical packages are missed.
#20 opened by harshakmohan - 1
About the SHEncoder
#34 opened by 013292 - 4
How to train on our own data?
#17 opened by jimz7 - 1
RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu!
#41 opened by omnipotenttom - 0
Why is the rendering speed of this version more than 100 times slower than the official gtx1000, using 1660ti
#42 opened by inyiJiang - 0
- 4
sparsity_loss = entropy
#38 opened by wtj-zhong - 3
Undefined 'disps'
#29 opened by ZhaoyangZh - 1
pretrained embedding
#37 opened by frspring - 1
Another PyTorch only NGP implementation
#26 opened by cheind - 1
"coarse and fine network"?
#33 opened by Misaliet - 12
Performance gap on NERF synthetic dataset
#4 opened by walsvid - 1
3 questions about precrop_iters
#36 opened by leo-frank - 1
Why not torch.optim.RAdam
#35 opened by 013292 - 5
Training on real bigger scene
#27 opened by ghasemikasra39 - 1
About the size of the hash table
#31 opened by CongSuxu - 1
Question about hash encoding speed
#32 opened by Miles629 - 3
Training is very slow.
#22 opened by LaolangOne - 1
Accelerated raymarching & pruning
#28 opened by kxhit - 3
Training speed and training effect
#23 opened by mowangmodi - 4
- 0
SDF experiments of InstantNGP
#24 opened by Skylion007 - 4
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Tensor' when runnerf on real images
#10 opened by Quyans - 0
Instant NGP
#21 opened by snarb - 8
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Tiny-cuda-nn bindings
#5 opened by danperazzo - 0
How I need to enter it when running? - print('Loaded blender', images.shape, render_poses.shape, hwf, args.datadir)
#19 opened by 13136983989 - 1
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'numpy.ndarray' and 'Tensor' when runnerf on real images
#9 opened by Quyans - 1
about tv loss
#16 opened by Feynman1999 - 2
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training time
#15 opened by mtk380 - 3
Trained weights for forward facing scene
#13 opened by SrinjaySarkar - 1
generate mesh?
#7 opened by Guptajakala - 1
Can the checkpoint be loaded in instant-ngp's viewer (or any interactive viewer) ?
#8 opened by amanshenoy - 1
The meaning behind the hash function params and their difference from paper?
#6 opened by Guptajakala - 6
some errors in code
#2 opened by taoranyi