
Primary LanguagePython

L-PR: Exploiting LiDAR Fiducial Marker for Unordered Low Overlap Multiview Point Cloud Registration

📣 The paper is now available.

Point cloud registration is a prerequisite for many applications in computer vision and robotics. Most existing methods focus on pairwise registration of two point clouds with high overlap. Although there have been some methods for low-overlap cases, they struggle in degraded scenarios. This paper introduces a novel framework named L-PR, designed to register unordered low overlap multiview point clouds leveraging LiDAR fiducial markers. We refer to them as LiDAR fiducial markers, but they are the same as the popular AprilTag and ArUco markers—thin sheets of paper that do not affect the 3D geometry of the environment. We first propose an improved adaptive threshold marker detection method to provide robust detection results when the viewpoints among point clouds change dramatically. Then, we formulate the unordered multiview point cloud registration problem as a maximum a-posteriori (MAP) problem and develop a framework consisting of two levels of graphs to address it. The first-level graph, constructed as a weighted graph, is designed to efficiently and optimally infer initial values of scan poses from the unordered set. The second-level graph is created as a factor graph. By globally optimizing the variables on the graph, including scan poses, marker poses, and marker corner positions, we tackle the MAP problem. github1

Improved LiDAR Fiducial Marker Detection

We develop an improved adaptive threshold marker detection method to provide
robust detection results when the viewpoints among point clouds change dramatically.
image image

Point Cloud Registration

Given that the existing point cloud registration benchmark lacks fiducial markers in the scenes, we construct a new test dataset, as shown in the following figure, with the Livox MID-40. The competitors are SGHR and Teaser++. newdata

Instance Reconstruction Evaluation

We use the same rosbag to evaluate the proposed method against Livox Mapping and LOAM Livox. The rosbag was recorded in a garage. The LiDAR follows an elliptical trajectory to scan a vehicle (Mercedes-Benz GLB). Please refer to the following videos for the details of the rosbag.

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of Traj_LO.

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of Livox Mapping.

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of LOAM Livox.

  • This video shows the pipeline of our framework.

  • Ground Truth (Mercedes-Benz GLB).
    In the following, the point clouds are normalized into a unit sphere (i.e. [-1,1]). The first metric is the Chamfer Distance (CD). Given two point sets, the CD is the sum of the squared distance of each point to the nearest point in the other point set:
    That is, a smaller CD value indicates a higher fidelity.
    The second metric is the recall of the ground truth points from the reconstructed shape, which is defined as: image
    A higher Recall indicates a higher fidelity.

  • Ours.
    CD: 0.0030. Recall: 96.22%

  • Traj_LO
    CD: 0.0107. Recall: 82.88%

  • Livox Mapping
    CD: 0.0106. Recall: 75.2704%

  • LOAM Livox
    CD: 0.0335. Recall: 78.8264%

Evaluation in a Degraded Scene

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of Traj_LO.

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of Livox Mapping.

  • This video (×24) shows the mapping procedure of LOAM Livox.

  • This video shows the mapping result of our method.
    This figure shows the comparison of the mapping results. labpic


    First, please ensure you can run the python demos given by GTSAM.
    We found that GTSAM cannot be installed appropriately in a conda environment. Thus, a conda environment is not recommended. Otherwise, errors will be reported when you use BearingRangeFactor3D or BetweenFactorPose3.

    A light and insertable version of IILFM is included in the files. To build and run it, you need to install basic tools like cmake.
    If you'd like to give it a quick try, just follow the commands below. However, please note that the default settings correspond to the test reconstructing the scene of a lab from 11 frames with added AprilTags. (i.e. the default detector is an AprilTag detector and the marker size is 16.4cm × 16.4cm). If you want to try the ArUco demo (marker size: 69.2cm × 69.2cm), which involves reconstructing a vehicle, you will need to adjust the settings of the detector and marker size as guided by the readme in iilfm. Also, do not forget to change in marker size in main.py.

  • Python Packages
    The following packages are required.
    opencv-python(cv2) has a built-in ArUco detector. Please ensure you can run the python demos of ArUco detection. Again, a conda environment is not recommended.


  • The extracted point clouds of vehicles and the script to run the quantitative evaluation are available here.
  • All the LiDAR scans used in this work are available here.
  • You need to download the LiDAR scans, rename the interested folder name to 'pc', and put it in the same level directory as the 'main.py'. Please read the instructions of IILFM carefully to ensure that you are using the correct scripts, as some scans contain AprilTag while others contain ArUco.
  • Raw rosbag of the instance reconstruction evaluation.
  • Raw rosbag collected in the degraded scene.


git clone https://github.com/yorklyb/LiDAR-SFM.git
cd lidar-sfm
cd iilfm
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
mv tag_detection ../../
Ensure that the point clouds are named '1.pcd', '2.pcd', etc., and are placed into a folder named 'pc'. The 'pc' folder should be located in the same level directory as the 'main.py' file.
python3 main.py
After processing all the point clouds, you will see a graph plot. Close it by pressing 'q' or using the close button. Finally, an output file named 'out.pcd' will be generated.

How to collect your own LiDAR frames

First, you need to record the rostopic of the point cloud as rosbags. If you are using Livox MID-40, run rosbag record /livox/lidar in the terminal while the Livox-ros-driver is running. Then, assume that you placed the LiDAR at N viewpoints and obtained N rosbags. You need to put all of them in a folder named 'data'. Check this out as an example.
Suppose that you have done git clone https://github.com/yorklyb/LiDAR-SFM.git
cd merge
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Put process.py into build. Also, put 'data' into build.
Open a terminal and run roscore. Open a new terminal and run python3 process.py. You will find the rosbags are transformed into pcd files in the folder 'processed'. Rename the folder as 'pc'.
If you are using other LiDAR models, you need to change the rostopic name when recording rosbags using rosbag record your_topic_name and also update the topic in process.py accordingly.


We would like to express our gratitude to Haiping Wang for helping us reproduce SGHR, Xin Zheng for helping us reproduce Traj LO, and Jie Li and Hao Fan for helping us reproduce An Efficient Visual SfM Framework Using Planar Markers (SfM-M). We also thank Honpei Yin and Jiahe Cui for helping us reproduce LOAM Livox, and Hao Wang, Yida Zang, Hunter Schofield, and Hassan Alkomy for their assistance in experiments. Additionally, we are grateful to Han Wang, Binbin Xu, Yuan Ren, Jianping Li, Yicong Fu, and Brian Lynch for constructive discussions.