Code for "Dense Tracking and Mapping with Voxel-based Neural Implicit Representation", ISMAR 2022
- 1
Questions on the ray intersect function.
#53 opened by ignotuspeverel - 1
configs/replica/room_0.yaml is missing
#52 opened by LSK0821 - 2
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory [W CudaIPCTypes.cpp:16] Producer process has been terminated before all shared CUDA tensors released. See Note [Sharing CUDA tensors] [W CudaIPCTypes.cpp:16] Producer process has been terminated before all shared CUDA tensors released. See Note [Sharing CUDA tensors]
#51 opened by antonpapa - 1
- 1
Replica room_0 ate value evaluation
#33 opened by jhch1995 - 0
why need repeated "weights" in dictionary?
#50 opened by LZL-CS - 3
- 0
Questions about trajectory assessment
#48 opened by Aurora-chevalier - 5
When finish tracking, raise FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
#49 opened by jenkinLiuu - 3
#41 opened by xiaoshumiao123 - 0
Cuda error when the depth value is large.
#47 opened by jarvishou829 - 5
CUDA out of memory.
#32 opened by Xiaxia1997 - 0
Failed to build `sparse_octree` and `sparse_voxels` on system with `ninja` installed
#34 opened by TomCC7 - 9
#42 opened by SharineLee - 1
#46 opened by Allen070206 - 0
trajectory evaluation
#45 opened by onehun - 8
- 0
Output: images not meshes
#44 opened by random-guest - 1
ImportError: undefined symbol when importing grid as _ext in voxel_helpers.py
#38 opened by Yuhanelle - 2
I have some trouble running the code. I hope you can help me.Producer process has been terminated before all shared CUDA tensors released. See Note [Sharing CUDA tensors]
#24 opened by zerolfq - 1
No such file or directory: ':/usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin/nvcc': ':/usr/local/cuda-10.0/bin/nvcc'
#43 opened by 00Haocheng - 1
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questions about coordinate frame transformation
#40 opened by marrblue - 1
Scannet sequence 0000_00 ate value evaluation
#37 opened by ming82871 - 2
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Why is the room I rebuilt incomplete?
#28 opened by zerolfq - 12
Code getting stuck near end
#23 opened by eriksandstroem - 2
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Update key-frame selection strategy
#10 opened by garylidd - 2
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The modification of optimizer
#31 opened by JunyuanDeng - 2
The initialization of svo (sparse octree).
#30 opened by JunyuanDeng - 2
- 0
A question about why I can't get points
#21 opened by laliwang - 3
- 2
Doubts about the voxel-based sampling
#20 opened by Riser6 - 1
I have a question about ray_intersect?
#17 opened by yanzw1 - 4
- 2
Why allocate voxels after optimizing the map?
#18 opened by lsl-hk - 2
A bug about svo?
#14 opened by zhw-github - 1
I have a question about coordinate system?
#16 opened by zhw-github - 2
When I Run Demo, I got esource_tracker: There appear to be 3 leaked semaphore objects to clean up at shutdown and Producer process has been terminated before all shared CUDA tensors released. See Note [Sharing CUDA tensors]
#7 opened by zerolfq - 3
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Questions on keyframe selection
#8 opened by gwangtaepark - 1
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Update dataset preparation in README
#12 opened by garylidd - 2
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Multiple GPUs support
#11 opened by garylidd