
Change distal_link on-line

Closed this issue · 3 comments

We have recently considered the possibility to change the distal_link name on the fly in our Cartesian tasks. This creates a series of issues related on how we handle the tasks, topics names and so on.
In particular: the task distal_link at the moment is also the topic name which eventually may change if we implement the possibility to change it. This is not wanted of course.
A possible solution could be to use the task name as topic name.

Another point is to refactor a little the yaml creation so that sub tasks are particular types of tasks which refers to tasks that are already defined. Something like:

 type: Cartesian 
 base_link: sossio
 distal_link: aruta

 type: SubTask
 base_task: T1
 indices: [1, 3]

Related to #35

Proposed syntax is supported in refactor2020

Did you try as well this feature? If it works also markers needs a small refactor to show the distal_link menu.