We turn natural language descriptions of behaviors into machine-executable code
- adamltyson@SainsburyWellcomeCentre
- AlissonPAUniversity of São Paulo - Biomedical Science Institute
- andrepedSopra Steria
- anna-teruelUniversitat de València
- Ashu156Brandeis University
- bf777UBC, @ubyssey, @turing-club
- calebvogtCornell University
- caplar
- CeliaBenquet@MMathisLab, EPFL
- cesar-martinez-torresUniversidad de las Américas Puebla
- davoudianYale School of Medicine
- dhuzardNeuronautix
- GarrettBlairNYU
- gklrajan
- jeylauSwiss Federal Institute of Technology
- juliencarponcy
- KonradDanielewskiNencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS
- luiztauffer@Tauffer-Consulting
- m9hCenter17
- mertygStanford University
- MerylMalezieuxNone
- MMathisLab@AdaptiveMotorControlLab
- nastya236EPFL
- praveenkumaryo
- rizarae-pGermany
- rojasgabrielLos Angeles, CA
- Santiago-Ojea
- spencerbyers15Boston, MA
- stes@dynamical-inference @ki-macht-schule @kinematik-ai
- sunreetabCarnegie Mellon University
- thanosdpapaioannou
- thecobb
- Timokleia
- tomsains@AdaptiveMotorControlLab
- yonicoudercBordeaux Neurocampus
- zhoumu53EPFL