
100 Days challenge to improve digital desinging using languages like Verilog & SystemVerilog

Primary LanguageVerilog


"Practice makes a man perfect"
Recently began learning RTL designing using Verilog & SystemVerilog.So, I took up a personal challenge to produce an RTL design daily and share it with you because knowledge increases by sharing. During the challenge, I am setting a target to produce 100 designs in the next 100 days which will in turn help me improve my domains of Digital Electronics Circuit and Hardware Description & Verification Language. Also, will share my learning in the form of blogs, and also need support from you to questions and raise doubts by commenting on the LinkedIn post. The link to recent blogs will be available in bottom section.

Dhruv0Upadhyay - 100_Days_of_RTL stars - 100_Days_of_RTL forks - 100_Days_of_RTL Days Completed - 10 HDL - Verilog Simulator - Eda Playground

Link to Introductory Post: Click Here

Connect With Me

LinkedIn Medium

How To Access Repository

For each day, there will be a separate folder containing the design and testbench followed by a Readme file giving a detail explanation of the working of the circuit.

Content Table

Day No. Code Name Link to Library LinkedIn URL EDA Playground Link
001 Half Adder Link VIEW PLAY
002 Full Adder Link VIEW PLAY
003 3x1 Multiplexer Link VIEW PLAY
004 Full Subtractor Link VIEW PLAY
005 4 Bit Comparator Link VIEW PLAY
006 Clock Divider Link VIEW PLAY
007 8-3 Encoder Link VIEW PLAY
008 Decimal to BCD Encoder Link VIEW PLAY
009 Priority Encoder Link VIEW PLAY
010 Barrel Shifter for 8-bit data Link VIEW PLAY
011 Ripple Carry Adder Link VIEW PLAY
012 CLA: Carry Look Ahead Adder Link VIEW PLAY
013 4-Bit: Comparator Link VIEW PLAY
014 Link
015 Link