
Dynamic generation of robot behaviors in the RoboCup SPL setting from LTL or PDDL + PLTLf rules (Published in RoboCup 2022 Symposium)

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Temathic logo, representing a human describing a plan vocally and robots thinking that plan as a policy in which some branches are not walkable

Conditioning collective behaviors with human-understandable instructions

Dynamic Behaviors Generation in RoboCup SPL from PDDL+PLTLf formal specification

The idea behind this project is to make a first step towards real-time coaching of robots in RoboCup Soccer SPL, by using online planning in a PDDL domain using temporal goals and constraints. The presented architecture allows a human in the loop to speak temporal goals over PDDL predicates, influencing robot behaviors in real-time.

Possible use case of this project, where a human conditions robot behaviors


In the robot’s operating life, the agent is required to act in real environments dealing with rules and constraints that humans ask to satisfy. The set of rules specified by the human might influence the role of the agent without changing the goal or the current task. With similar constraints, a robotic agent in a RoboCup soccer match deals with a partially unobservable, unpredictable and dynamic scenario and can benefit from precise human indications that can condition the robot behavior before or during the time of the match. To this end, classical planning methodologies can be enriched with temporal goals and constraints that enforce non-Markovian properties on past traces. The proposed work aims at exploring the application of real-time dynamic generation of policies whose possible trajectories are compliant with a set of PPLTL rules, introducing novel human-robot interaction modalities for the high-level control of team strategies in RoboCup SPL matches.


Supported distros:

  • Ubuntu 16.04/16.10/17.04/17.10/18.04/18.10/19.04/19.10/20.04
  • Linux Mint 18.x / 20.x

Install needed libraries

Open a terminal Ctrl+Alt+t (usually) and type the followings commands:

sudo apt install build-essential cmake clang make qtbase5-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libglew-dev net-tools graphviz xterm qt5-default libvtk6-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libwebp-dev libpng-dev libtiff5-dev libopenexr-dev libgdal-dev libtbb-dev libpng16-16:i386 libtbb2:i386 libjpeg62:i386 libtiff5:i386 libv4l-0:i386

Configure GitHub :

Install git

sudo apt-get install git git-core git-gui git-doc gitg

Follow this guide to set up git (Attention: "Your Name here" means "Name Surname")

Colorize git:

git config --global color.status auto

Update and upgrade your pc and reboot

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot

Install OpenCV3.1

Dowload source of OpenCV: $ wget https://github.com/opencv/opencv/archive/3.1.0.zip

Unzip the files $ unzip 3.1.0.zip

Generate the make file

cd opencv-3.1.0
mkdir build && cd build

NOTICE: if you have trouble with stdlib add this flag



make -j<num of cores of your cpu>

Run OpenCV install script

sudo make install

and then

sudo ldconfig

Possible problems at this step

The following errors may happen for some users, but not others. If you incur into one, please report it to us as soon as possible, so we can update this wiki with the proper error message.

  • IMPORTANT FOR ANACONDA/MINICONDA USERS: Either of them can mess with the installation process by generating seemingly unrelated errors (e.g. an undefined reference to libtiff). The easiest way is to temporarily disable them by following this procedure: (source)
    • Open your .bashrc: $ nano ~/.bashrc
    • Locate the line that adds <ana/mini>conda to your PATH. It may look like export PATH="/home/<user>/anaconda3/bin:$PATH for anaconda, and similarly for miniconda. If you can't find it in .bashrc, try your .profile as well.
    • Comment out that line (add a # as the first character of that line).
    • Open a new terminal window and carry out the OpenCV installation procedure as above.
    • Un-comment that line in your .bashrc
  • If you get an error message related to ffmpeg: Install ffmpeg with the command sudo apt install ffmpeg
  • If the compiler says some flag (one of which may be CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER) was not declared: You may have to add the missing defines to the OpenCV code. Open the file <opencv folder>/modules/videoio/src/cap_ffmpeg_impl.hpp and add the folowing lines: (source)
    #define AV_CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER (1 << 22)
    #define AVFMT_RAWPICTURE 0x0020
  • If you get errors related to libasound: Install the corresponding headers with the command sudo apt install libasound2-dev

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/EmanueleMusumeci/SPL_RoboCup_Dynamic_Behavior_Generation_From_PDDL_PLTLf_specification.git

Compile the code

Ubuntu 16 or Mint 18 users

Set Clang-6.0 before you compile:

sudo apt-get install -y clang-6.0 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-3.8 100 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang++ /usr/bin/clang++-6.0 1000 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang++ clang /usr/bin/clang-3.8 100 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-3.8 100 
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-6.0 1000 
sudo update-alternatives --config clang 
sudo update-alternatives --config clang++

All users

To compile (for all OS versions): Compile the code (move to the Make/Linux folder of the repo)

cd Make/Linux
make CONFIG=<Develop/Debug/Release>

Install Python dependencies

Install the ssl library:

sudo apt-get install libssl-dev

Download and install the dependencies for the planning-for-past-temporal-goals repo

This repo is included in the current package and is provided by the Whitemech research group.

  • Install the dependencies required for pygraphviz:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config
  • Install the other required dependencies for these repos:
sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
  • Install OpenJDK 8 (NOTICE: the next repo can not be built with Java versions above 8):
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
  • Install swig:
sudo apt-get install swig3.0
  • Install latexmk:
sudo apt-get install latexmk
  • Install PyAudio:
sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev python3-pyaudio

Install the required Python packages

Using a python package manager install the required packages using:

pip install -r requirements.tx

in the root dir of the repo.

This command will install the required packages:

  • numpy
  • twisted
  • ltlf2dfa
  • graphviz
  • pygraphviz
  • shortuuid
  • PyAudio
  • SpeechRecognition
  • pydot
  • regex
  • pylogics

Download and install the FOND4LTLFPLTLF

Install the repo FOND4LTLFPLTLF from the from the Whitemech research group

pip install git+https://github.com/whitemech/FOND4LTLfPLTLf.git


The network infrastructure is set to run on localhost. Make sure you're connected to a network anyway, even if not connected to the internet (required by SimRobot).

NOTICE: source the aliases.sh file with:

source aliases.sh

for some useful one-word aliases (look for comments in the file)

Running experiments

To run an experiment in the SimRobot simulator:

  1. Run SimRobot
  2. Run the Python server providing the plan

Run SimRobot

Move to Develop/ folder

cd Build/Linux/SimRobot/<Develop/Debug/Release>/

Run SimRobot


Click on File->Open and then move to the Config/Scenes folder and open the required scene, which is a .ros2.

(NOTICE: you can specify the full path to the .ros2 file to avoid navigating to it in SimRobot)

Available scenes
  • fond_striker_no_obstacle.ros2 scene. This scene features one robot, in idle mode, waiting for plan commands. Used for the basic_striker, striker_with_battery_power_conditioning and striker_with_conditioning experiments.
  • fond_striker_with_obstacle.ros2 scene. This scene features one robot, in idle mode, waiting for plan commands. Used for the multi-robot striker_with_pass experiment (opponent present, no jolly available case).
  • fond_striker_jolly_no_obstacle.ros2 scene. This scene features one striker and one jolly, in idle mode, waiting for plan commands. Used for the multi-robot striker_with_pass experiment (opponent not present, jolly available case).
  • fond_striker_jolly_with_obstacle.ros2 scene. This scene features one striker and one jolly, in idle mode, waiting for plan commands. Used for the multi-robot striker_with_pass experiment (opponent present, jolly available case).
  • GameFast1vs1.ros2 scene. This scene features two strikers of opposing teams, used in the qualitative experiments section of the paper to perform benchmarks (see below for the section about the adversarial example).

If the experiment is being run on a physical robot, contact suriani@diag.uniroma1.it for the necessary instructions.

Run the Python server with a specific experiment

To run an experiment execute the following command on a terminal:

python run_experiment.py <EXPERIMENT_SUBFOLDER.EXPERIMENT_NAME> --localhost


  • The module run_experiment.py is located in the repo root
  • EXPERIMENT_SUBFOLDER is a subfolder of the "experiments" folder
  • EXPERIMENT_NAME is the name of the file containing the necessary methods to run the experiment

In order to be able to insert conditioning commands (which in the current version have to be inserted when the experiment is run, right before the plan is created), the --ask_constraints command-line argument has to be used.

Runnable experiments

Experiments can be found in the directory robocup_spl_temporal_goals/experiments/. The available experiments are:

  • classical_planning.basic_striker, providing the simple single-agent scenario
  • fond_planning_with_conditioning.striker_with_battery_power_conditioning, providing the simple single-agent scenario with conditioning over battery power consumption using the highBatteryConsumption conditionable predicate, as well as the isat conditionable predicate
  • fond_planning_with_conditioning.striker_with_conditioning, providing the simple single-agent scenario with a isat conditionable predicate
  • fond_planning.striker_with_pass, providing the multi-agent scenario. (NOTICE: in this case, fluents depend on the selected SimRobot scene).

Running the adversarial experiment

We need to first run the GameFast1vs1.ros2 scene in SimRobot, following the guide above.

Then, run the following commands in two different terminals: First terminal:

python run_experiment.py adversarial_experiment.adversarial_striker_A --localhost

to run the first player.

Second terminal:

python run_experiment.py adversarial_experiment.adversarial_striker_B --localhost --opponent_team

to run the second player.

Vocal interface

A vocal frontend is included, allowing a user to condition generated behaviors in the following way:

  1. The frontend connects to the server
  2. Then it waits for the user to pronounce a role (for example "striker") or for a keyword addressing the whole team (for example "everyone", "all", "team", "guys", "robots").
  3. After the role/keyword has been pronounced and correctly recognized, the frontend will ask for a constraint, expressed using the sentence structures specified in the file robocup_spl_temporal_goals/lib/constraints.py, in the function get_available_constraint_templates. The provided constraints are:
  • The never SOMETHING template, which requires the SOMETHING predicate to never be verified in the plan, representing the !O(SOMETHING) PLTLf formula. The structure is:

    {never|avoid|not once|prevent} SOMETHING

    where the keywords in the curly brackets are all synonims therefore interchangeable.

  • The SOMETHING at least once template, which requires the SOMETHING predicate to be verified at least once in the plan, representing the O(SOMETHING) PLTLf formula. The structure is:

    {at least once|once|sometimes} SOMETHING

  • The SOMETHING at least once then SOMETHING_ELSE template, which requires the SOMETHING predicate to be verified at least once in the plan, followed by the SOMETHING_ELSE predicate somewhere along the trace, representing the O(SOMETHING) AND YO(SOMETHING_ELSE) PLTLf formula. The structure is:

    {if at least once|if once|if sometimes} SOMETHING {then|and then|finally} SOMETHING_ELSE

  • The always SOMETHING template, which requires the SOMETHING predicate to be verified at every step along the plan, representing the H(SOMETHING) PLTLf formula. The structure is:

    {historically|always} SOMETHING

  • The SOMETHING just before goal template, which requires the SOMETHING predicate to be verified at the last step before the goal, representing the Y(SOMETHING) PLTLf formula. The structure is:

    {just before goal|at last} SOMETHING

Additional constraints can be added (see wiki).

The predicate keywords (SOMETHING, SOMETHING_ELSE from above), accept predicates featured in the current domain/experiment description file or their known synonims (see wiki for more about conditional predicates or their synonims).

  1. A packet is sent over network to the server, which in turn generates a new plan entailing the known constraint. NOTICE that only one constraint at a time can be specified through this vocal interface.

Running the vocal interface

To run the vocal interface, move to the robocup_spl_temporal_goals subdirectory and execute the following command on a terminal:

python run_vocal_interface.py --connect_to_IP <PYTHON_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>

where the PYTHON_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS is the IP address of the communication manager. If no --connect_to_IP argument is specified, then localhost will be used as a target address.

Running benchmarks

To run a benchmark, move to the robocup_spl_temporal_goals subdirectory and execute the following command on a terminal:

python run_benchmark.py <BENCHMARK_SUBFOLDER> --perform_benchmarks


  • BENCHMARK_SUBFOLDER is a subfolder of the "experiments" folder

Use the --ask_constraints command-line argument in the scenarios with constrainable predicates to add constraints.

Just run:

python run_benchmark.py

to have a full list of possible command-line arguments.

Runnable benchmarks

The only benchmark available is the one featured in the paper: striker_with_waypoint_conditioning_with_increasing_size, featuring a planning problems with a domain where the goal is to bring the ball to the goal and a grid of adjacent waypoints is modeled (in a case where adjacency is also diagonal and a case where it is not). This will automatically perform benchmarks for all scenarios described.