FIFO buffer library. Written and verified in SystemVerilog. Can be synthetised in ASIC or FPGA.

Primary LanguageSystemVerilogMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the RTL code and testbench code of both syncronous and asyncronous FIFO buffers. They are written and verified in SystemVerilog, the testbench is a "pure SystemVerilog Testbench with classes" so with the classical TB components (Generator, Driver...).

Syncronous FIFO

It's implemented as a circular queue, composed by two main parts:

  • Memory
  • Control path

The former is the storage of the data, the latter control the various read and write pointers to obtain a FIFO like memory. The main module can be instantiated in a design with the provided interface: sync_fifo_interface.sv to make the instantiaton easier and less verbose (thus less error prone).

I/O Ports

Type Port Name Description
Input clk_i System clock
Input wr_data_i Data write port
Input read_i Read control signal
Input write_i Write control signal
Input rst_n_i Reset active low
Output rd_data_o Data read port
Output full_o Fifo full signal
Output empty_o Fifo empty signal


Parameter Name Range Default Value
FWFT [1:0] 1
  • FIFO_DEPTH defines the number of words stored.
  • FWFT defines the FIFO's configuration (see below).
  • DATA_WIDTH define the width of the words stored.

First Word Fall Through configuration

In this configuration reading the memory is combinatorial, that means that the data read will appear to the output port rd_data_o as soon as read_i is asserted.

Standard configuration

In this configuration reading the memory is syncronous, that means that the data read will appear to the output port rd_data_o the clock cycle after read_i is asserted.