Reference-free cell-type deconvolution of multi-cellular spatially resolved transcriptomics data
- adRn-sMax Planck Institut für Immunobiologie und Epigenetik
- amiraa25
- andreiprodanNeogene Therapeutics
- arpansahoo
- bhavyaacMcGill University
- BradBalderson@mcvickerlab
- Diennguyen8290
- eturkes@duff-lab-team, UK DRI at UCL
- frankligyNew York University
- hiraksarkarPrinceton University
- igordotNew York University School of Medicine
- ixxmu
- j-bergAltos Labs
- jkbenotmaneMILO Lab
- kiklataFudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
- l-magnificenceXiangya hospital, Central South University
- Lee0498Zhejiang university
- lipingshu
- liuxiaoping2020Wuhan University 武汉大学
- maxpmxUPenn
- MLKaufmanUniversity of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- mtisza1Baylor College of Medicine
- ningbioinfo
- poseidonchanUniversity of Maryland
- raysinensis@nygenome
- roshni-bBerlin
- scikal
- sidhomjNYP - Weill Cornell
- stemangiolaSAiGENCI
- stewy33MIT
- takahiro-prog
- TerminatorJ
- wu-ycFudan University
- xieguigang@SMRUCC genomics Institute
- XuuChen