a scalable python suite for tree inference and advanced pseudotime analysis from scRNAseq data.
- 4
error while using scf.tl.linearity_deviation
#23 opened by rLannes - 1
- 1
- 5
- 2
tl.branch_specific issues
#36 opened by AJTDaedalus - 1
imcompatible with cellrank version2
#33 opened by wangmhan - 4
GPU mode dependencies troubleshooting
#20 opened by willey2020 - 1
- 6
Error when `scf.tl.dendrogram()`
#30 opened by Fantasque68 - 2
Maximum complexity of trees [question]
#29 opened by vitkl - 5
Testing fit: KeyError: 'de_p'
#11 opened by wbrett87 - 1
Error in sci.pl.single_trend
#10 opened by PaulJonasJost - 1
- 3
error in `pseudotime()`
#8 opened by zoepiran - 1
Error in scf.tl.branch_specific
#13 opened by min0609 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 4
Questions about scf.pl.single_trend'
#25 opened by SummerColdWind - 2
- 2
- 10
scf.pl.trends error on jupyter notebook
#21 opened by hw1804 - 1
DLL load failed while importing _loess: The specified module could not be found.
#12 opened by rajpiyush18 - 2
When running scf.tl.curve, module 'networkx' has no attribute 'to_scipy_sparse_matrix'
#17 opened by yedeer12 - 3
- 3
Errors with scf.pl.trends
#4 opened by Qotov - 2
- 2
scf.tl.pseudotime error
#14 opened by pchiang5 - 6
error in test_association
#7 opened by jksr - 4
Importing scFates
#6 opened by sidrahmaryam-cyber - 4
- 2
Unable to import scFates
#3 opened by Marius1311 - 2
citing CellRank
#2 opened by Marius1311