Quality assessing, analyzing and testing the statistical significance of real-time quantitative PCR data
- 2
technical replicates
#35 opened by abusjahn - 6
Rsquared not calculated
#23 opened by katefgit - 4
rOpenSci review for qPCR package
#32 opened by wolski - 3
Handling different starting sample masses
#34 opened by JacobRPrice - 2
SEM instead of SD
#33 opened by lmanchon - 2
Use column in data table for grouping when column name is passed as string to group_var
#31 opened by marcora - 1
Importing from QuantStudio file?
#29 opened by SimoniMD - 6
CpAverage or CrossingPoint
#25 opened by lmanchon - 4
pcr_wilcox function
#27 opened by lmanchon - 3
- 2
Add p-values on the plot
#28 opened by Ariadneyuan - 3
How to calculate the R2 for targets that have different number of replicates?
#26 opened by CamillaMaciel - 3
- 2
- 2
Factor in amplification efficiency
#21 opened by richardstoeckl - 2
- 1
- 18
geNorm Normalisation
#4 opened by lmanchon - 2
Aggregate in .pcr_average
#16 opened by Bisho2122 - 1
Installation Error
#14 opened by danutasastre - 1
- 1
- 1
Data formatting
#10 opened by sgmccalla - 0
- 1
Corrupt file - pcr.rdb
#8 opened by ncrawford0809 - 2
Method of normalisation for pcr_test?
#5 opened by davos-i - 1
- 1
CRAN second round comments
#2 opened by MahShaaban - 1
CRAN first round comments
#1 opened by MahShaaban