- 1
Mount custom volumes to Docker image
#152 opened by valeandri - 1
pythong instead of python in the README
#151 opened by njbernstein - 0
SQLAlchemy 1.4 breaks Cosmos
#149 opened by daveeloo - 1
Community suggestion
#150 opened by loganylchen - 0
Update visualization of DAGs
#46 opened by egafni - 0
Add Stage Status "Finished, but incomplete"
#26 opened by egafni - 0
reset stage finished_on
#28 opened by egafni - 1
empty dag hangs forever
#32 opened by egafni - 5
Specify Environment Variables for aws batch
#143 opened by egafni - 0
Speed up reaping of GridEngine Jobs
#71 opened by egafni - 1
runweb should be an optional extra
#108 opened by ahvigil - 1
SLURM example
#142 opened by loganylchen - 4
CWL support for COSMOS2
#45 opened by pvanheus - 1
Kubernetes support in COSMOS2
#113 opened by SSunkara - 1
latest COSMOS release breaks python 2 compatibility
#118 opened by ahvigil - 0
official website not found
#112 opened by JakLiao - 3
mysql error
#95 opened by loganylchen - 1
- 4
How to change the `log` dir
#88 opened by loganylchen - 1
How to change `_default_task_log_output_dir`
#85 opened by loganylchen - 9
Cosmos examples fail on a fresh install (conda, both python3 and python2.7)
#83 opened by lucventurini - 1
- 0
Examples and tests fail on fresh install
#80 opened by 1pakch - 5
Clarification on slurm tasks in the workflow
#72 opened by RML-Admin - 2
All Licenses Mentioned
#59 opened by doctormo - 1
question about project with multiple workflow
#36 opened by aurelBZH - 1
Stage cycles throw a non-descriptive error
#35 opened by egafni - 1
Extract task results within workflow
#57 opened by kmhernan - 0
PBS uses string job ids
#54 opened by egafni - 1
- 1
tools and variable
#49 opened by aurelBZH - 3
Documentation offline ?
#30 opened by kevintc - 2
- 5
- 1
problem with the second example?
#31 opened by aurelBZH - 3
File download from a wide range of sources
#29 opened by yassineS - 7
- 4
Generated "command_attempt1.bash" Script does not enter into output directory
#15 opened by MarcusWalz - 12
persist=False has no effect
#17 opened by sa9 - 10
- 5
- 1
- 1
- 8
Issue launching
#14 opened by manonSourdeix - 10
Setup Readthedocs Webhooks
#13 opened by jakirkham - 4
Trying to start cosmos shell
#8 opened by jakirkham - 0 cleanup
#9 opened by jakirkham - 0
Doc cleanup
#11 opened by jakirkham - 1
- 0
Document the web-interface
#5 opened by yassineS