
KITTI evaluation results for multi-object tracking using detectors with different performance.

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Occlusion Simulation Evaluation Using Various Detection Distortion ✔️


This repository presents the results of occlusion simulation experiments with high, moderate, and low temporal detection distortion conducted as part of the research work "DFR-FastMOT: Detection Failure Resistant Tracker for Fast Multi-Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion." The simulation mimics occlusion phenomena by testing the stability of multi-object tracking (MOT) frameworks in different detection conditions.


This repository aims to support further MOT research by sharing tracking results for individual KITTI training and evaluation streams. Researchers can compare their MOT work with recent benchmark models, including (EagerMOT) (2021), (DeepFusionMOT) (2022), and (DFR-FastMOT) (2023) in the provided streams. We encourage researchers to contribute their tracking results of other frameworks. The repository also supports various detection performances (Poor/Moderate/High) so that researchers can measure their tracking solutions' dependency on detection accuracy.

Please note that this evaluation focuses on car objects only.



The repository provides the output results of three recent MOT frameworks: EagerMOT (2021), DeepFusionMOT (2022), and DFR-FastMOT (2023). Researchers can share their results by following the instructions mentioned in the submission section. The repository includes the following folders:

  • ~/[DETECTOR_PERFORMANCE]/deep/data: Output results of DeepFusionMOT (2022).
  • ~/[DETECTOR_PERFORMANCE]/eager/data: Output results of EagerMOT (2021).
  • ~/[DETECTOR_PERFORMANCE]/our/data: Output results of DFR-FastMOT (2023).

The folders contain all KITTI streams, except stream 0017, which does not involve any car object.

Evaluation tool:

We evaluate the performance of the MOT frameworks using the KITTI-Evaluation tools and update the results in the table accordingly. Note: Red color 🔴 indicates the overall highest score per metric, and bold styles ⚫ indicate the highest score per metric in a block (For particular detectors)


Detection Models:

We classify the performance of the detector into three categories:

  1. Poor detector[~/poor-detectors/..]: 2D detector with low performance and 3D detection is obtained by projecting Pointcloud into a 2D camera frame.
  • 2D Detection: YOLOv3
  • 3D Detection: NONE. (Pointcloud Projection)
  1. Moderate detector[~/moderate-detectors/..]: we utilize a more sophisticated 2d detector with 3D Pointcloud projection.
  • 2D Detection: RCC
  • 3D Detection: NONE. (Pointcloud Projection)
  1. sophisticated-detectors[~/sophisticated-detectors/..]: we employ multi-detection for 2D camera frame and 3D LiDAR Pointcloud.
  • [~/sophisticated-detectors/both_2d_rrc_3d_pointgnn]
  • [~/sophisticated-detectors/both_2d_rrc_3d_pointrcnn]
  • [~/sophisticated-detectors/both_2d_trackrcnn_3d_pointgnn]
  • [~/sophisticated-detectors/both_2d_trackrcnn_3d_pointrcnn]

Submission ✔️

We encourage contributors to push their framework results to the repo to facilitate further research in this area. Make sure that you consider the following instructions before pushing a merge request.


You should indicate the correct location for your results based on the type of detectors utilized in the framework. You may consider the following scheme:

1 If the framework employs a mono-detector (Either 2D or 3D), then the results location should be in:

  • [~\poor-detectors\..]: In case you use a 2D detector that performs as sufficiently as YOLOv3 or less.
  • [~\moderate-detectors\..]: In case you use an advanced 2D detector such as RCC or 3D detector with good performance.
  1. If the framework employs a multi-detector (2D and 3D), then the results should be inside the [~\sophisticated-detectors\..] folder.

The pushed folder should be named based on the utilized detectors, ex: both_2d_rcc_3d_pointgnn, which means the framework utilizes the RCC detector for 2D and PointGNN for 3D. In case of poor and moderate detectors, you may create a new folder named with detector/s that you have used.

Note: You may push your results directly into a folder if it exists, and your full submission should be located as follow: [DETECTOR_PERFORMANCE]/[DETECTOR_NAME]/[2d_xxx_3d_xxx]/data/. We expect to have all KITTI training+evaluation streams seperately as shown HERE, except stream 0017.


The data format should follow KITTI label format shown in this Link with an additiona column at the beginning for the frame id, check out below table for more illustration.

frame type truncated occluded alpha 2d_bbox 3d_dimensions 3d_location rotation_y score
0 Car 0 0 -1 (255,182,0,23) (1.24,2,3,0.9) (2.3,5.9,1.2) -35 0


  1. Use the following command load the repo locally.
git clone https://github.com/MohamedNagyMostafa/KITTI-MOT.Bench-Evals
  1. Add your framework's results as illusterated above.
  2. Push your work to the repo using the following command.
git add .
git commit -m "[WRITE_YOUR_MSG]"
git push origin master

We are going to review your submission and evaluate the performance using KITTI-Evaluation tools. If your submission has no issue, we will accept your merge request.


Kindly cite the work if you find the repository useful for the research.

  author={Nagy, Mohamed and Khonji, Majid and Dias, Jorge and Javed, Sajid},
  booktitle={2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 
  title={DFR-FastMOT: Detection Failure Resistant Tracker for Fast Multi-Object Tracking Based on Sensor Fusion}, 