- 1
No menu bar to upload file on GUI facemap
#155 opened by limserenahansol - 1
BUG: Issue loading SVDs for neural prediction
#147 opened by erinkempkes - 2
Nueral response prediction error
#153 opened by shanggao11 - 1
- 4
- 0
Deternmining X and Y values on the graph
#151 opened by Nebraskagirl - 2
trying to write a python code to use the facemap API, but openCV keeps returning 'Couldn't read video stream from file '...'.
#149 opened by greg11111111 - 2
Pupil SVD Use Case for Just Pupil Data
#148 opened by KemalOz21 - 1
BUG: <Enter comprehensive title here>
#144 opened by phanhuynh - 7
Can not load video from installation on Ubuntu 22.04
#146 opened by chfbao - 4
FEATURE: multiple paw keypoints
#140 opened by phanhuynh - 1
BUG: ops_user.npy saving different directory
#142 opened by ytsimon2004 - 1
Error installing facemap on Linux: PyQt6 - Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) did not run successfully.
#145 opened by MirArt94 - 2
- 0
BUG: keypoints predictions often outside image
#141 opened by phanhuynh - 12
BUG:IndexError: list index out of range (process_ROIs-savename =
#127 opened by liwei4932 - 1
FEATURE: GPU enablement in Python API
#137 opened by jeremyschroeter - 1
Data confusion
#138 opened by aubrey1124 - 1
bug report about neural date load
#136 opened by aubrey1124 - 5
- 2
ROI Inspection in Multiple Video Files Using GUI
#121 opened by Annaaasen - 3
- 10
- 3
Issue saving large files with
#83 opened by mckennabrown - 1
BUG: Error in reading frame?
#106 opened by AbyFlores - 5
BUG: 'motion' variable is an array of ideantical values although avgmotion return a reasonable output
#131 opened by magdalenasabat - 1
BUG: OverflowError
#119 opened by dtran1125 - 4
DOC: <process multi non-sequential videos>
#85 opened by nelson-hc - 1
What is the units for the pupil area?
#80 opened by Yeo-Zuoheng - 3
How to save and interpret pupil data
#86 opened by mckennabrown - 4
- 2
error while trying to analyze motion svd
#104 opened by nelson-hc - 1
- 7
menu bar with only a ‘file’ button?
#89 opened by PathwayinGithub - 1
BUG: Batch analysis over multiple subfolders
#101 opened by mariacozan - 0
FEATURE: increase default batch_size
#109 opened by carsen-stringer - 4
- 3
Certificate Verify Failed
#103 opened by AbyFlores - 0
BUG: singular values for more than 1 ROI are not stored in `S_mot` and `S_mov`
#107 opened by kushalbakshi - 3
Can't load neural data
#99 opened by SuryaManavalan - 1
npy file was not generated for neural activity.
#97 opened by jonben3215 - 1
- 1
BUG: Latest numpy breaks ROIs
#102 opened by jonahpearl - 2
QGraphicsScene::removeItem: output
#98 opened by lmontelisciani - 2
BUG?: File format problem? -
#90 opened by rozmar - 1
- 1
About file
#82 opened by yiiiichennn-w - 2
- 6
- 1