The main contribution of this project is to add an MPC controller to the official unitree_guide project, making it easier for students learning model-based control of quadruped robots to get started.(本项目主要贡献为在宇树官方项目unitree_guide中加入MPC控制器,便于入门四足机器人基于模型控制的同学学习。)
- AchuanAchuan
- CrazyWan528
- dodeakim
- fan-ziqiZSTU & NJUST
- Kwon-nahyunSeoul National University of Science and Technology
- kwonnahyun0625Seoul National University of Science and Technology
- LW1113223
- modest666
- Mr-Y-B-L
- nankaixiaokaiNankai Univ.
- Shengliu-botKarlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
- SimonforyouNanjing university
- Supergithubber
- Teddy-LiaoBeijing Institute of Technology
- The-Avengers185
- U-AMCRepublic of Korea
- xiaoliangstdChina
- xu-yang16Beijing, China
- Ylh9981