
ROS1-package with common microcontroller(MCU) firmware for the our home made Pet-series micro robots.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to the Pet MCU Common repository

ROS repository in the https://github.com/Pet-Series Git-Organizations.

Repository Content

Source code to our Pet-series micro robots (target platforms):

Target platform Short description
Pet-Mk-IV https://github.com/Pet-Series/Pet-Mk-IV
Pet-Mk-V (does not yet have its own repository)

The main objective/scope for this repository is to control the firmware on our MCU's.

  • Simplification: As MCU we mainly using Arduino compatible hardware, like Arduino UNO and Arduino NANO.
  • Standardisation: As system integration tool (Middle ware) we use ROS. Each MCU act as an ROS-serial device.
  • Modularisation: We have tried to make the code as generic/common as possible.
Path Short description
[pet_mcu_common/core/] (https://github.com/Pet-Series/pet_mcu_common/tree/main/core) Basic functionality for interacting with ROS-serial
pet_mcu_common/modules/ Function specific modules. Controlling input(Sensors)/Output(Actuators)

As "top node" we use ROS on Raspian/Ubuntu - Running Raspberry Pi hardware.

Developing Environment

Library / Tool Source
Arduino IDE https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
ROS serial Library for Arduino https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/rosserial-arduino-library
Ultrasonic sensor Library for Arduino https://bitbucket.org/teckel12/arduino-new-ping/wiki/
Servo Library for Arduino https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Servo
IR-remote Library for Arduino https://github.com/Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote