Welcome to the website and github repository for the Genome Analysis Module. This website will guide the learning experience for trainees in the UBC MSc Genetic Counselling Training Program, as they embark on a journey to learn about analyzing genomes.
- ademerlisMiami, FL
- amazingshi
- eernstCSHL/HHMI
- furkanmtorunExact Sciences
- Genesislearn
- gyd66
- indexofireHZCDC
- jackmo375University of Cape Town
- land-mine
- lfunderburkBytewax
- memollUniversity of Calgary
- metaphysicalfudgeBig River Analytics
- mortezasabriTechnical University of Munich
- pathscientist
- peterdfieldsUniversity of Basel
- Phillip-a-richmondBC Children's Hospital Research Institute
- pkundra
- robinvanderleeVancouver, BC, Canada
- Sinan813vGeomatics
- singha53-zzUniversity of British Columbia
- sjackman@10xGenomics
- snashraf
- yananzh
- yuehuang-gh