
This is a wiki for all of the repositories for SEI-R-2-22.

Class Wiki


Welcome to the SEI-R-2-22 Class Wiki.

This repository is a place where links to all of the course content that we cover can be found. Content is organized by Unit and Week with lesson repos and class recordings for each day.

Deliverable Pull Request Guidelines can be found here.

Daily Javascript Challenges can be found here.

Computer Science - Algorithms & Data Structures can be found here.

General Assembly Team

  • Instructors

    Even though you'll be in different Groups, you'll often engage with each of the instructors at several points and have access to the instructional recordings of all three teams.

    • Group 1

      Ben Manning

      Lead Instructor

      Hey everyone, my name is Ben Manning and I’ll be the Lead Instructor for Group 1 in this course. I’ll be leading the majority of your lessons and guiding you throughout this course.

      I’m an engineer specializing in full stack development and working with small start ups. I have worked with a wide range of technologies and teams in my career and look forward to sharing those experiences. I’m excited to be working with y’all throughout the next 3 months!

      GitHub | LinkedIn


      Nabila Ayaba

      Instructional Associate

      Hello, my name is Nabila and I'm the Instructional Associate for Group 1 for the duration of the Immersive. I will provide support during lessons, grade your assignments, take attendance and help with troubleshooting.

      I'm a barista-turned-software engineer whose hobbies include reading, collecting beautiful stationery, and eating copious amounts of jollof rice! I graduated from the GA Software Engineering Immersive in July of 2021, and can't wait to join all of you on this journey!

      GitHub | LinkedIn | My Personal Website

    • Group 2

      Jeremy Taubman

      Lead Instructor

      My name is Jeremy Taubman, I live outside of New York City and have been with GA since 2019. I will be the Lead Instructor for Group 2 for this immersive.

      Outside of programming, I enjoy music, cooking, and solving crossword puzzles. I love learning new things, building up projects with Javascript and Python, and can make some of the best Ramen you’ll ever have.

      GitHub | LinkedIn


      Brittany Morataya

      Instructional Associate

      My name is Brittany and I will be your Instructor Associate (IA) for Group 2. I will be here as added support through your journey of becoming a software engineer.

      As a GA graduate, I have been in your shoes and understand what it takes to get through such a course. As for my experience, with a focus in front-end design, I freelanced for multiple clients implementing skills from previous experience with managing teams, data collection, and communication to provide a positive and open space for colleagues and clients. This will be my second cohort as an IA and I am excited to guide and help shape your minds.

      GitHub | LinkedIn

    • Group 3

      John Jacobs

      Lead Instructor

      Hello! My name is John and I am one of the Lead Instructors for Group 3 of this Software Engineering Immersive. Michael Lackey and I will be leading lessons, grading your assignments, and managing the classroom environment. I have been with GA since January 2019 first as a student, then as Instructor Associate, and now as Instructor Lead. I love building personal projects and continuing to learn new technologies. ReactJS is my favorite tech and I actually enjoy the debugging process.

      GitHub | LinkedIn | My Personal Website


      Michael Lackey

      Lead Instructor

      Hi! My name is Michael and I am one of the Lead Instructors for Group 3 for the duration of the Immersive! Alongside John Jacobs, I will lead many of your lessons, grade your assignments, and will always be available for questions and debugging.

      I am a software engineer with a proven track record in healthcare. I have a passion for people and love to tackle complex problems. As a seasoned leader, I am driven to help those I work with to see their potential. I’ve been with GA since 2020. I love styling with CSS and working with Front End dev frameworks like ReactJS!

      GitHub | LinkedIn | My Personal Website

  • Teaching Assistants

    TAs will lead nightly study and debugging sessions that are highly recommended to attend.


    Glenn Brown

    Teaching Assistant

    GitHub | LinkedIn


    Grant Menke

    Teaching Assistant


    Sebastiano Foresi

    Teaching Assistant

  • Student Success

    This teams job is to ensure your success during the immersive. Any administrative, financial, or interpersonal questions can be directed to them.


    David Allison

    Student Success Specialist


  • Outcomes Team

    This teams job is to ensure your success after the immersive is complete. Any job search, resume, LinkedIn, or interview questions can be directed to them.


    Brittany Dawson

    Career Coach



    Lisa Dubler

    Career Coach

    Lisa Dubler (she/her) is a Career Coach with 10+ years of experience supporting leaders at all levels, from recent college grads to senior executives, by connecting them with the resources that they need in order to thrive both personally and professionally.

    As a career changer herself with experience in higher education, non-profit, media-tech, philanthropy, and tech-education, Lisa knows first-hand the challenges that come with navigating a career pivot. It can feel intimidating and overwhelming, but it does not need to be! Through a strengths and action-based approach, tailored to your short-term and long-term goals, Lisa helps job seekers breakthrough blockers to get to where they want to be.



    Jessica Li

    Career Coach

    Hi There! I’m Jessica and I’m one of the Career Coaches for this immersive. I’ll be supporting you all as you transition into the world as a software developer. I’m based in sunny California, San Francisco to be exact #karlthefog. I’ve changed careers 2-3 times, so I kind-a get of how intimidating and scary this process can be. I’ve been working career changers to new grads on their job search since 2016. I’ve been with GA for a little over a year.

    When I’m not working, you can find me on my yoga mat or find new recipes to cook in the kitchen! My most recent kitchen adventure accomplishment— apple custard pie with a cinnamon streusel (I even made the pie crust from scratch).


    If you plan on adding me on LinkedIn, drop a note to let me know that you’re part of the SEI-R-2-22 cohort. I don’t accept connections from folks without a note.

Class Policies

Below, you will find Class Policies and Requirements as laid out in Orientation and conveyed by the Instructional Team. We compile them here for your reference and review.

  • Code of Conduct

    • Foster a productive classroom environment.
    • Treat others with respect and dignity.
    • Remember that everyone is coming at this with a different background.
    • Professionalism in all methods of communication, both in-person and online.
      • Slack is an extension of our on-campus community. We ask that you remain courteous, respectful, and professional while engaging on Slack.
    • Zero tolerance for plagiarism and cheating.

  • Deliverable Submission Requirements

    • Deliverables must be submitted following the PR Guidelines.
    • Students must meet deliverable requirements for the submission to be marked as "Complete".
    • Deliverables are always due the following class day at the beginning of class, unless otherwise stated.
    • There is a grace period for re-submission or late submission. All re-submits/late submits are due the Monday following the week of assignment.
      • Deliverables assigned on Fridays do not have a re-submit or late submit grace period.
      • Deliverables submitted after the grace period will not be graded or accepted and will be marked as "Incomplete".

  • Graduation Requirements

    • Meet Project Requirements.
      • Satisfactorily complete and present a project for each of the 4 units.
    • Submit and complete a minimum of 80% of deliverables (labs, homework, etc.).
    • Adhere to attendance policy.
      • Students are allowed 3 absences over the entire course.
      • 3 tardies or early departures equals 1 absence.
      • Tardy policy includes Outcomes participation.

  • A Note on Plagiarism

    • Plagiarism is a serious offense and grounds for immediate withdrawal.
    • You are encouraged to ask others, including students, instructors, and sites like Stack Overflow for help. However, it is not acceptable to copy another persons code and submit it as your own. More importantly, it is detrimental to your own learning and growth.
    • Small snippets of code that solve small problems taken from sites like Stack Overflow are generally an exception to this rule. If you aren't sure, it is your responsibility to ask your instructor. To be on the safe side, we ask that you credit the person/resource you got the code from in a comment, and let an instructor take a look at it.

  • Observed Holidays

    The following dates are observed Holidays for this immersive. There will be no class days on or within any of the date ranges listed below. If you have any questions regarding Holidays, or have a special circumstance, please don't hesitate to reach out to your instructional team.

    Holiday Dates
    President's Day February 21st, 2022

Unit 1 - HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Unit 2 - React | MongoDB | Express

Unit 3 - React Redux | PostgreSQL | Sequelize

Unit 4 - Vue.js | Python | Django

Additional Resources

Below is a list of additional resources that were hand-picked by your instructors. If you find that you don't have the time during the immersive, these resources will still help to solidify your understanding of key concepts after graduation.