Scan-to-BIM toolbox for Grasshopper Rhino including mesh/pcd segmentation, classification and reconstruction
Jupyter NotebookGPL-3.0
- 1292309915
- andrekeane
- barvin04
- christiandimitriComputational Geometry
- chunibyo-wlyChina University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
- Darkwolf007
- FarzadAziziZadeFUM
- fraguada@mcneel
- GNamTr
- henrique-cmedeiros
- jieyi-one
- jjysh014
- jzx-gooner
- kinotus
- lgleimHuawei Cloud
- lucasepp@structurecraft
- Marta-Neu
- mrazkenariSUNY ESF
- NGimbal@pollination
- nicolas-chaulet@CanoaPBC
- presunshine
- robin-gdwlLooking for work
- Saiga1105
- shuaibingtao
- stanvincke
- sztepenDataism
- vjirgale
- vkalabi
- WeiLanstar
- XGL96
- xhm2855
- Yellowshuohahaha
- yhexieWuhan University
- YinqiangZhangThe University of Hong Kong
- zhulz