Code accompanying the ECCV 2020 paper "Trajectron++: Dynamically-Feasible Trajectory Forecasting With Heterogeneous Data" by Tim Salzmann*, Boris Ivanovic*, Punarjay Chakravarty, and Marco Pavone (* denotes equal contribution).
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 0
how to get the predicted heading angle
#102 opened by xiaxx244 - 0
- 6
Fixed results for ETH/UCY
#53 opened by sff1019 - 0
- 1
process data
#97 opened by chengqb0126 - 0
train problem about tensor IndexError
#99 opened by MandyZhang4869 - 0
- 0
No matching dill version
#96 opened by Axelmannen - 2
nuScenes doesn't work
#95 opened by elsoroka - 1
nuScenes Dataset
#94 opened by bharath5673 - 0
Model Parameters
#93 opened by IzzeddinTeeti - 1
where is
#92 opened by MachineShu - 0
Data Science
#91 opened by IdrisAlakozai - 1
- 4
- 1
- 1
Step annealing params and KL value
#85 opened by mvignaga - 3
- 1
z_mode setting during evaluation
#84 opened by centiLinda - 0
Import error and np.float deprecated
#87 opened by shikharvashistha - 2
How to edit intermediate output "a_dist"
#81 opened by centiLinda - 1
- 2
- 3
- 1
Bugs during data preprocessing for nuScenes
#65 opened by MeiliMa - 1
How to replicate the results in your paper
#78 opened by xiaxx244 - 1
'MultiPolygon' object is not iterable
#76 opened by moooises - 1
"Robot future is none"
#77 opened by zhyzhyzhy123 - 1
Then, download the map expansion pack (v1.1) and copy the contents of the extracted maps folder into the experiments/nuScenes/v1.0-mini/maps folder.
#74 opened by qq1628qq - 0
- 1
nuScenes Dataset size
#73 opened by lvkaiboy - 1
How to Convert Model to Tensorrt
#71 opened by tlgkyn06 - 1
- 3
- 2
Evaluation metrics
#68 opened by noparkee - 1
- 3
Encoding future robot trajectories
#69 opened by keanepotato - 1
- 1
- 1
Issue on
#59 opened by lsc12318 - 2
About in ETH and Nuscene datasets?
#61 opened by Xiejc97 - 1
How to choose attention_radius?
#60 opened by Xiejc97 - 1
Data Setup - nuScenes Dataset
#54 opened by MZ82020 - 1
Results Problem
#57 opened by MZ82020 - 0
Evaluation Problem
#55 opened by MZ82020 - 0
Evaluation Results
#56 opened by MZ82020 - 2
KeyError: self.env.attention_radius[(VEHICLE, VEHICLE)] in OnlineMultimodalGenerativeCVAE.encode_edge
#51 opened by j-scharrenbach - 1
Standardization value
#50 opened by BoLang615 - 1
Unable to get the values in Table 2
#49 opened by sff1019 - 3