- andrewcoh
- beastmang
- bremersCornell Tech
- bryceikedaUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- CaptainGinyu
- ChootinQueensland University of Technology
- cjyyyza
- DammianMiller
- dannylangeUnity Technologies
- gecastroSydney, Australia
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- HA1N
- hakuturu583TIER Ⅳ.inc
- hyounesyMeta
- JoovvhanKRAFTON
- kbrizovCreative Assembly
- leehwanchoi
- macgbluedevAlicante - Spain
- P3TEBlind Mystics
- PandinosaurusFrance
- PattyUnity
- prothen
- prwc
- robotlearning123
- sondretordalMotionTech AS
- strilchuk
- t04glovern@First-Mode
- tgroechel@interaction-lab
- thetaleofnarutouzumaki
- Tritanster
- vahpetrYerevan
- vidurvij
- ykim104
- zaalsabbUniversity of Waterloo
- Zwt-hello4DAGE