- 3
can't download any pretrained weights
#74 opened by cmdjzs - 4
Depth in meters
#50 opened by utsavpatel22 - 0
- 2
The test_any_image file cannot correct output img and the test_nyu file output very bad quality image!
#71 opened by carry-all-coder - 1
- 0
Questions about datasets
#72 opened by DING606 - 2
pretaind resnext101_32x4d.pth
#67 opened by XiangZhou1 - 1
yaml_cfg load error
#69 opened by fisakhan - 0
abs_rel value
#68 opened by phamdat09 - 1
Error when running
#66 opened by Tocmac - 1
How to generate a point cloud map?
#65 opened by 18983683746 - 6
- 6
About network training
#49 opened by YiLiM1 - 1
how can I train with NYUD-V2 dataset
#62 opened by wuzht - 2
About the Camera Parameters
#63 opened by JennyGao00 - 1
- 3
- 1
Error while loading the model
#54 opened by baegwangbin - 3
Only can train 1 epoch?
#57 opened by tnaderi - 1
Setting for training in ablation study
#58 opened by tnaderi - 9
Only can train 1 epoch?
#33 opened by yyangmei - 3
How make inference on single image?
#56 opened - 5
Data augmentation should change intrinsics
#48 opened by anandbhoraskar - 0
How makew
#55 opened - 1
Depth image format
#45 opened by DMJ1997 - 1
Error when running
#52 opened by vqbang - 2
Performance issue
#53 opened by Chen-che-w - 1
Error when running
#51 opened by vqbang - 1
- 1
About point group size
#42 opened by LiZhenLiangLee - 2
About NYUDv2 training dataset
#46 opened by youzunzhi - 1
Data set format
#41 opened by rgbd-zml - 3
- 1
Pretrained Weights
#47 opened by kopetri - 6
val_annotations.json is missing.
#29 opened by aufaclav - 1
Depth prediction and surface normal
#39 opened by aghasaadmohammad - 0
Runtime error
#40 opened by rgbd-zml - 10
how to get the surface normal image
#34 opened by ITking666 - 1
About the VNL_loss
#37 opened by yiying66 - 1
Imagenet pre-trained model
#38 opened by neapolitanpizza - 4
Hyperparameters in paper vs code
#35 opened by eriksandstroem - 3
how can i get real depth from depth map?
#30 opened by kimwongyuda - 1
- 1
Could you also share the model trained on NYU with mobilenet_v2 backbone?
#31 opened by RamsleyJunting - 1
Calculation of Sq_Rel Error
#24 opened by wyfeng1020 - 4
- 1
- 1
KITTI test metric?
#26 opened by csuwoshikunge - 1
- 2
trainning code
#23 opened by gongshichina