Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds (VS3D), ACM MM 2020
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- AppServiceProviderDhaka, Bangladesh
- demon386@DiDi
- DIPTEShenZhen,China
- dxjforyouXi'an Jiaotong university
- fly51flyPRIS
- GoodluckTian无
- hadiTabAmazon Lab126
- handong1587
- happinesslzHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- Hemantr05Thomson Reuters
- jianglongyeUC San Diego
- jin-yc10
- KleinYuanSafari AI
- kxhitImperial College, ZJU, HIT
- lmy98129
- MaxChangerBeijing, China
- memoiryApple <- Zhejiang University, CAD&CG
- minizonHangzhou, China
- misslibraCVC , UAB
- oatuy
- QianZhang007Alibaba Group
- Serge-weihaoSJTU
- sillyboyllj
- slcheng97
- SlingHe
- StiphyJaySoutheast University
- sunstarchanCHN
- tianchenggBeijing,CHina
- turboxin
- wanganzhiChengDu
- wolf943134497
- younesidsouguouCasablanca, Morocco
- Zengyi-QinMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- zouhaoaZhejiang University
- zwqnju
- zx970505