
This a visual servo application using MoveIt and AprilTag

Primary LanguageC++


​ This is a visual servo application using MoveIt and AprilTag


  • Dependencies

​ The main application depends on OpenCv 3.4.5, MoveIt (Prebuilt Binaries), ros-kinetic, AprilTag, Sophus CV_bridge, aubo_robot and realsense . For simulation you should install Gazebo too.

​ see Environment.md for details install commands.

  • Packages

    Under your workspace source folder, use commands below, then use catkin_make

    git clone https://github.com/ZhouYixuanRobtic/aubo_robot_realsense.git
    git clone https://github.com/ZhouYixuanRobtic/Visual-Servo.git


  • Simulation

    roslaunch visual_servo visual_servo_sim.launch 

    ​ After the simulation nodes launched clearly, then use

    rosrun visual_servo visual_servo 
    rosrun visual_servo maTest
  • real robot

    ​ Check the robot's IP, if it is not then modify the visual_servo_real.launch file. Make sure all sensors are ready and the EMERGENCY STOP is as near as you can reach. Then run

    roslaunch visual_servo visual_servo_real.launch 

    ​ After it's launched clearly, run

    rosrun visual_servo maTest