Our autonomous ground vehicle uses Frontier Based exploration to navigate and map unknown environments. Equipped with sensors, it can avoid obstacles and make real-time decisions. It has potential applications in search and rescue, agriculture, and logistics, and represents an important step forward in autonomous ground vehicle development.
- aeroSapphireIslamabad, Pakistan
- alperen-doganYıldız Technical University
- andreadario99
- AnnierYao
- booth-algoImperial College London
- BrentKylling
- cagridzİstanbul
- Cho-HyeongraeKorea University
- CouDeGrasMSc Robotics
- dogletmen
- duuinh
- HangyoCho
- HuangKangJin
- huhumeng2
- hwan0806Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- john-yeap01
- karta10616901
- Lee-JaeWonCILAB @ Yonsei Univ.
- liurishan
- massolala
- owenliu-rdc
- PerdixkyHarbin Institute of Technology,Weihai
- PranavShevkar
- RuanpeShenYang
- serhatgundogdu
- shibotong5210
- skpawar1305
- StanleyChueh
- Taeyoung96Robotics Lab, Hyundai Motor Company
- U-AMCRepublic of Korea
- we3ew若恋相亲APP
- yunusozdAnkara
- ZedzouSIMIT
- zhangqinmwei
- zxj719Manchester University