- 4
- 7
- 3
Inconsistency between gene_grouped_counts_linear.tsv and read_assignments.tsv.gz?
#258 opened by qsonehara - 7
- 2
- 4
- 1
Handling BAM files with polyA trimmed
#256 opened by omarelgarwany - 6
- 1
bgzipped ref fasta take much longer time
#260 opened by baozg - 1
adding extra parameters for minimap2
#259 opened by baozg - 1
- 6
How do I specify FLNC reads in IsoQuant
#226 opened by sanyalab - 2
Question on consensus transcript sequences created after processing FLNC via Isoquant
#254 opened by sanyalab - 2
Exon counts when there are genes on both strands
#253 opened by skagawa2 - 1
- 2
Inconsistent read assignment with bam file
#250 opened by airichli - 1
- 1
input illumina bam
#247 opened by JhinJhinJhin - 1
Tweaking minimap2 parameters in Isoquant
#246 opened by sanyalab - 10
Repeating error mesage: [W::hts_idx_load3] The index file is older than the data file:
#244 opened by zli-lilly - 4
Issues in KeyError: 'novel'
#245 opened by kerrwelton - 4
GFF3 cannot be recognized
#240 opened by sanyalab - 5
Reads duplicated in read_assignments, leading to multiple identical transcripts
#236 opened by jamestwebber - 5
multiple single cell samples
#211 opened by wanghlv - 7
invalid continuation byte error
#206 opened by cariocow - 1 with linear output
#241 opened by ljwharbers - 2
Missing reference genes
#242 opened by JC-therea - 2
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isoquant log file
#235 opened by KMbio43 - 1
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- 4
Choosing the ‘--data_type’ parameter for combined PacBio CCS and Nanopore data
#208 opened by biochristmas - 3
Clarification on the definition of spanning for reads that terminate in the middle of an exon for `exclude_counts`
#229 opened by skagawa2 - 6
read assignments file interpretation
#204 opened by sparthib - 3
I was able to run smoothly after setting the parameter 'ulimit -n 1000000', thanks!
#232 opened by lmulroney - 3
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How to handling Transcripts without strand information in IsoQuant GTF File
#231 opened by bxZhang996 - 1
No CDS in the novel genes predicted by Isoquant
#230 opened by sqwwww - 5
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Failing with assertion error: "Gene and transcript records have unequal strands"...but they don't?
#219 opened by jamestwebber - 12
#222 opened by ccmeth - 7
issuesTraceback (most recent call last): File "/lustre/home/jianghao/mambaforge/envs/isoquant/bin/", line 808, in <module> main(sys.argv[1:])
#221 opened by JhinJhinJhin - 3
Question about exon counting
#205 opened by weib3 - 3
Long time to run 80+ samples togather
#210 opened by yuyun-zhang - 2
TEST FAILED after installation of 3.4.2
#217 opened by giuliafois - 9
Memory usage
#209 opened by omarelgarwany - 3 --test issue
#215 opened by sophielemoine - 2
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