- Airlamb
- andraspalffy
- b1anchenVuestc
- feitianxiaofeizhu
- FengDHirain
- fly51flyPRIS
- flyingPig2
- GuanRunweiUniversity of Liverpool / JITRI-IDPT
- happinesslzHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- hsmigit
- huixianchengInnovusion Inc.
- Jackman0316
- liuyueChang
- mendoza-G
- Miyeap
- nicozhan@basicai
- Nobody-in-ZhuPoShan
- qiuzhijin
- Raiden-cnBeijing University of Post and Telecommunications
- sunmucasAAAA
- teddyluoThe University of Science and Technology
- TJRadarLab
- ToytinySchool of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
- XiangyuGao7
- xinyangliiTechnical University of Munich
- Xiong7777777
- xu19971109
- yaoshanliangUniversity of Liverpool / JITRI-IDPT
- you4ever
- YZH-botTsinghua SIGS
- YzichenDalian University of Technology
- zc-zhaoHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- ZhangJingqixyz
- ZhaohuanfengJilin University
- ZHOUYI1023
- zzzZhouhaowen