- 28shambhavi
- abhay1220Texas A&M University
- balisujohn
- caelanNVIDIA Research
- CHEN-yongquan
- DaemonMajor
- do3-173
- FernadooHong Kong University of Science and Technology
- fogost
- Gary-oak-Star
- Gy-HuThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- hejia-zhang@icaros-usc
- huaimaosisi
- hzyjerryUC Berkeley
- IngTIKNAUniversity of Trento
- KchuUniversity of Hamburg, WTM
- kevon217Publicis Sapient
- KIAND-glitchThe Lumery
- kymix
- Lynn1
- makolonNara Institute of Science and Technology
- meneguzziUniversity of Aberdeen
- MrKeeeNWPU (Northwestern Polytechnical University) & SHAILAB
- philip-huangPittsburgh, USA
- sandguineUniversity of California, Berkeley
- Scicomath@Kubot-Alliance
- shaun-d-anderson
- sultanur
- TarseusHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- xf-zhaoUniversity of Hamburg
- xrockatTD Securities
- ywkim0606Atlanta, GA