
Clean up branches of this repo

Closed this issue ยท 14 comments

As discussed in during (discussion point 5), we should reduce the number of branches in this repo. We decided that

If someone really needs a branch for archive purpose, he/she can push the branch to their personal fork.

Hello @isorrentino @GiulioRomualdi @CarlottaSartore @mebbaid @HosameldinMohamed I have created a table to collect all branches that have not been active in the last months. I also pointed to you because you were the last persons who committed in those branches. Can you indicate if these branches can be deleted or not?

Branch Name Last person who committed Can the branch be deleted? YES/NO
to_delete/balancing_half_foot @isorrentino YES
13Nov2023 @isorrentino YES
iit_20y @isorrentino YES
wbd @GiulioRomualdi YES
testVelocityThres @isorrentino YES
ergocubsn000_rde_interface @isorrentino NO
test_left_leg_rde @isorrentino YES
fix_ft_firmware_version @CarlottaSartore YES
remove_torso_pitch_ergocubSN00 @CarlottaSartore YES
ergoCubSN000_torso_and_arms @GiulioRomualdi YES
ironcub_ergocub_walking @CarlottaSartore YES
no_r_forearm @mebbaid YES
devel_ergoCubSN000_torque_control @isorrentino (Lorenzo left, pointing to you because it is torque control) YES
devel_ergoCubSN000 @GiulioRomualdi YES
devel_ergoCubSN000_1kHz @GiulioRomualdi YES
devel_ergoCubSN000_without_right_wrist @GiulioRomualdi YES
add_ft_non_linear_calib @isorrentino YES
devel_iCubGenova09_skin_manager @GiulioRomualdi YES
friction_compensation @isorrentino YES
icubgenova09/torque_control_gains @isorrentino (Lorenzo left, pointing to you because it is torque control) YES
devel_iCubGenova09_1kHz @GiulioRomualdi YES
ft_secondary_calibration @isorrentino YES
testWBDKF @isorrentino YES
exposeHeadOrientation @isorrentino YES
icub02-prefix This is iCubGenova02, not sure if we should ask someone or just delete this branch YES
testTemperatureOffset @HosameldinMohamed this was done by Francisco, pointing to you beacuse FT temperature YES

cc @ami-iit/artificial-mechanical-intelligence if in one of these branches there is some code that is important to you, please comment or save it in a fork as suggested in #43 (comment)

icub02-prefix This is iCubGenova02, not sure if we should ask someone or just delete this branch

This was to run the robot-robot collaboration experiments. It changed the prexes of the ports from icub to icub02

icub02-prefix This is iCubGenova02, not sure if we should ask someone or just delete this branch

This was to run the robot-robot collaboration experiments. It changed the prexes of the ports from icub to icub02

I confirm. I think you can delete it, and eventually ro reproduce the configuration the procedure is documented here.

Concerning the other two branches I was the last one committing, they contain gains for specific experiments, feel free to delete ๐Ÿ˜‰.

thank you @lrapetti!

@gabrielenava I updated the comment here.

thank you @isorrentino! I deleted the branches you confirmed it was possible to delete!

@HosameldinMohamed this was done by Francisco, pointing to you beacuse FT temperature

For me, we can delete it. The branch has only one commit ahead of the base branch and adds a few lines. The most important ones are some coefficients for the calibration matrix and offset values for the leg fts:

          <param name="l_leg_ft_sensor"> (7.131399e-01,3.590998e-02,-4.660118e-02,2.106746e-01,8.257131e-01,1.747785e-01

            <param name="r_leg_ft_sensor">


        <group name="FT_TEMPERATURE_COEFFICIENTS">
              <param name="l_leg_ft_sensor">(-0.0933  ,  0.2048  ,  1.3342  , -0.0155  ,  0.0027  ,  0.0039  , 30.4064)</param>

        <group name="FT_OFFSET">
              <param name="l_leg_ft_sensor">(24.8009  , -6.2369 , -62.0044 , -0.0588 ,  -0.2425  ,  0.1253)</param>
             <!-- <param name="r_leg_ft_sensor">(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)</param> -->

But I don't think they are valid anymore since they were obtained 4 years ago!

thanks @HosameldinMohamed! deleting it!

@gabrielenava you can delete my branches, they were mainly for the tests performed with @lrapetti where we needed to remove the pitch.

We also made some changes in the port prefix of whole body dynamics for having two robots walking together

<param name="portPrefix">/ironcub/wholebodydynamics</param>

but we have an issue that collects all the changes needed if we want to replicate the experiments.

I updated the comment accordingly

thanks @CarlottaSartore, branches deleted!

The no_r_forearm branch with this commit a0e923e is not needed anymore and we can delete it. I also updated the table.

thank you @GiulioRomualdi and @mebbaid!

Now the repo has only 7 branches, and all of them have been marked as useful! Closing the issue, the task is completed