URDF model with robot_state_publisher to simulate a walking robot in Rviz. The latest version of this tutorial is already merged in the official ROS 2 Documentation
- 3
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Can you provide more certain information about Prerequisites neccessary there ?
#8 opened by dvogureckiy99 - 5
URDF Tutorial Package Fails on Launch
#7 opened by austinlucaslake - 2
URDF URDF failed Model parse
#4 opened by wilhem - 5
ros2 launch error
#2 opened by lyc-king - 2
RosBag with this tutorial
#5 opened by gsion1 - 4
Broken URDF and visuals in rviz2
#3 opened by Thieso - 18
URDF failed Model parse
#1 opened by vkuehn