
One test fails

yurivict opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

Test project /usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/.build
    Start 1: bx.test
1/2 Test #1: bx.test ..........................***Failed   43.57 sec
/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/run_test.cpp(19): Compiler: Clang 15.0.7, CPU: x86, Architecture: 64-bit, OS: BSD, CRT: Clang C Library, Date: Jul  6 2023, Time: 23:22:58, C++: C++14
Randomness seeded to: 544512413
/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/filepath_test.cpp(142): /usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/.build/cmake/bx
/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/filepath_test.cpp(148): .
/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/filepath_test.cpp(154): /usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work
/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/filepath_test.cpp(160): /tmp

bx_test is a Catch2 v3.1.0 host application.
Run with -? for options


/usr/ports/graphics/bgfx/work/bgfx.cmake-1.121.8534-449/bx/tests/os_test.cpp:13: FAILED:
  REQUIRE( 0 != bx::getProcessMemoryUsed() )
with expansion:
  0 != 0

test cases:     207 |     206 passed | 1 failed
assertions: 8664810 | 8664809 passed | 1 failed

    Start 2: bx.bench
2/2 Test #2: bx.bench .........................   Passed    5.85 sec

50% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =  49.43 sec

The following tests FAILED:
	  1 - bx.test (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
FAILED: CMakeFiles/test.util 

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Build
  2. Test

Expected behavior
Tests should pass.


Additional context
Version: 1.121.8534-449
FreeBSD 13.2

There is no support for any BSD.

Well made software should work on all platforms.

I personally do not have interest in working on *BSD platform, nor there is community interest of submitting fixes for it.