
With GL renderer and wayland, switching to full screen with crtl-f results in nothing (nvidia) or not much (amd) being rendered

belegdol opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug
Following the recent commits switching from GLX to EGL, examples finally run on wayland when started with --gl parameter (see issue #2416 for details). It unfortunately appears that there is something wrong with switching to fullscreen: upon the switch, nothing is rendered.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. clone the repository
  2. edit makefile line 116 adding --with-sdl --with-wayland
  3. make -j12 linux-debug64
  4. cd examples/runtime
  5. SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland ../../.build/linux64_gcc/bin/examplesDebug --gl
  6. Hit Ctrl-F

Expected behavior
Example is rendered as it is in the windowed mode

Full screen

Additional context
I tested with 535.54.03 nvidia driver on an up-to-date Fedora 38 installation.

With open amd driver the situation is only slightly better:
AMD Full screen

With code from #3143 and vulkan the issue is not present, indicating OpenGL is the culprit.