A mutable, self-balancing interval tree. Queries may be by point, by range overlap, or by range containment.
Pinned issues
- 2
docs for envelop vs containsi vs in
#87 opened by bw2 - 0
Document on how to correctly use it for discrete value intervals (including single value intervals)
#143 opened by Thomas131 - 4
len is weird
#137 opened by Timmmm - 3
Include and exclude interval ends
#142 opened by satyrmipt - 0
unnecessary chopping
#141 opened by notestaff - 2
Not compatible with setuptools v72
#138 opened by fedepad - 1
Release latest version to PyPi?
#133 opened by indigoviolet - 1
Find overlapping timespans in a populated tree
#132 opened by Adeel-Abdullah - 1
Remove overlaps
#134 opened by mbhall88 - 1
ValueError: IntervalTree: Null Interval objects not allowed in IntervalTree
#136 opened by robertwhbaldwin - 0
specific intervals cause inbalanced nodes
#135 opened by hexsprite - 3
Support type annotations via typing.Generic
#122 opened by honorabel - 3
Chop datafunc needs chop interval
#112 opened by jeffwu78 - 1
Conditional merge_neighbors
#130 opened by tthorleifson - 0
Upload wheel to PyPI
#129 opened by richardxia - 4
- 3
Range Query Much Slower than List Scan
#120 opened by william-silversmith - 1
Inefficiency In Overlaps Call
#127 opened by jgaupp-accuragen - 1 install deprecated
#117 opened by chaimleib - 0
slow when using unique keys as data
#126 opened by ionox0 - 11
- 2
Chop with Interval
#100 opened by mbhall88 - 1
python 3.10 support
#118 opened by brainfo - 0
3.1.0 + master: pytest is failing
#121 opened by kloczek - 3
Update interval data?
#116 opened by ccneko - 0
Plain try/except statement
#99 opened by alexpovel - 1
- 0
Support for finding the nearest interval.
#114 opened by rLannes - 0
Build overlap tree
#113 opened by FantasticMrFux - 0
Get overlapping boundaries in tree
#111 opened by guillemcortes - 2
Find interval min, max efficiently
#110 opened by cmpute - 1
For timespan?
#108 opened by buhtz - 0
merge_neighbors: Confusing default distance
#109 opened by pcworld - 0
- 2
Fast way to build large tree?
#102 opened by 25thbamofthetower - 0
- 1
insert and expand
#98 opened by Char-Aznable - 5
Bug when running Interval Tree and Remove
#96 opened by davemarr621 - 0
Declare package version number on __init__
#93 opened by andfoy - 3
Add implementation for covering/enveloped?
#91 opened by johann-petrak - 2
- 2
Finding all intervals of a certain length
#95 opened by kdorsel - 7
- 2
Missing method 'envelop'
#88 opened by joachimwolff - 1
- 6
KeyError on removal
#85 opened by alexreg - 1
Is addi slower in v3?
#84 opened by pichuan - 5
#79 opened by garyatpt - 14
v3.0.0 on PyPi fails to install with python 2.7
#77 opened by kudangun - 1
DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated
#74 opened by halicki