4D Spatio-Temporal Semantic Segmentation on a 3D video (a sequence of 3D scans)
- 1
Problems with modifying to a custom data set
#62 opened by SC-shendazt - 0
- 4
Could you please provide the camera intrinsic and extrinsic files for Synthia4D temporal training as well?
#19 opened by lucydy - 1
Compatibility with MinkowskiEngine v.0.5.0
#63 opened by izav-hub - 2
Multi GPU train on the ScanNet v2 dataset
#56 opened by kunzaiyy - 2
Multi GPU training issue
#31 opened by fengziyue - 3
Stanford data preprocessing
#48 opened by minkyujeon - 3
- 5
[MinkowskiEngine 0.5.4][ME.RegionType.HYBRID vs ME.RegionType.CUSTOM] ME.RegionType.CUSTOM giving AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'numel'
#51 opened by sandeepnmenon - 3
version 0.5
#59 opened by zhangzihui247 - 9
Any pretrained models for train set only?
#13 opened by 96lives - 0
- 0
Problem about Result visualization
#57 opened by kunzaiyy - 0
about ConvType
#54 opened by suyunzzz - 0
a problem with scannet about training
#53 opened by zouyanmei - 2
alternate dataset!!!
#28 opened by abhigoku10 - 0
- 0
- 1
Support for reproducibility
#30 opened by tchaton - 5
[bug]Can not save predictions for testset
#12 opened by Monster88Ra - 0
Error while Loading the ScanNet Dataset?
#47 opened by A-suozhang - 0
Potential error in training loop
#46 opened by sholtoarmstrong-iot - 2
lib import issues
#42 opened by zaiweizhang - 0
Scannet update?
#45 opened by nicolas-chaulet - 1
- 0
Experimentations on Synthia dataset
#43 opened by chowkamlee81 - 2
module 'lib' has no attribute 'datasets'
#21 opened by avinashsen707 - 2
Issues with the Stanford demo
#32 opened by amineremache - 2
Point-level predictions from voxels
#40 opened by amineremache - 0
number of labels decreased after applying
#41 opened by chronbird - 0
label value=255 in
#39 opened by chronbird - 0
command for running test stage
#38 opened by chronbird - 2
Exception has occurred: TypeError only integer tensors of a single element can be converted to an index
#37 opened by chronbird - 0
average_precision for binary classification
#36 opened by amineremache - 3
Out of memory, even only batch size = 4
#35 opened by vince2003 - 7
How do I actually test the pretrained model?
#16 opened by ssokhey - 1
Invalid label type
#17 opened by ssokhey - 0
Identify new classes
#34 opened by ssokhey - 1
Possible bugs in
#33 opened by thangvubk - 3
CUDA out of memory in training ScanNet
#27 opened by y5wang - 1
- 0
RegionType.HYBRID and kernel_volume=27
#23 opened by tonghe90 - 2
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How do I train the synthia4d temporal?
#18 opened by rongacmer - 1
Discarded Issue
#15 opened by lucydy - 4
- 2
Inconsistency when batch size varies
#11 opened by ShengyuH - 7